Upgrading QuarkXpress 6 to 8 in Lion
Recently we've decided to upgrade our good ol' eMac to a brand new iMac. As excited as I am to do this, I'm perplexed about my QuarkXpress situation. Currently I'm running Quark 6.5 on my G4 (PowerPC) and I'm aware the OS Lion will not run this. Along with my computer upgrade I'm willing upgrade my Quark version, so my question is: would it be possible to install Quark 6 on my new Intel/Lion iMac, then do a upgrade to Quark 8? My understanding is than you can go from Quark 6 to 8 (not 9), I just wonder if my new computer would let me install it, then let my upgrade it to version it will recognize. I'm hoping to avoid paying for a full version of Quark 8 or 9, with purchasing the new computer, it's abit tough to swallow at the moment. Any advice would be appreciated!
Thanks, Dave