why does my iphone send texts as emails?
why does my iphone send texts as emails?
iPhone 4, iOS 5
why does my iphone send texts as emails?
iPhone 4, iOS 5
UNACCEPTABLE! Why did my phone suddenly start texting people using either my phone number OR my email address? I couldn't figure it out until today, a full two months after trying to see if it was T-mobile's fault.
I have now changed it to use only my phone number as a caller ID, but everyone who recieved messages via my email account CAN'T TEXT ME BACK, becuase they simply respond to my initial texts which were from my email address, which they can't resond to.
This is a really big deal. How do I get THEM to erase these text folders with my email address attached?
UNACCEPTABLE! Why did my phone suddenly start texting people using either my phone number OR my email address? I couldn't figure it out until today, a full two months after trying to see if it was T-mobile's fault.
I have now changed it to use only my phone number as a caller ID, but everyone who recieved messages via my email account CAN'T TEXT ME BACK, becuase they simply respond to my initial texts which were from my email address, which they can't resond to.
This is a really big deal. How do I get THEM to erase these text folders with my email address attached?
Go to Settings>Messages>Receive At>Caller ID. Choose your phone number rather than your email address.
This was driving me crazy but I've cracked it!!
Go to: Settings, Messages, Send & Receive. My mobile number was greyed out and wouldn't allow me to select it. My email address was highlighted but it also allowed me to "Add An Email". I selected my current email address and it gave me the option to delete it. Once I deleted my email address, it automatically reverted to my mobile number!!
Hip hip hooray. I can relax at last.
I am sending them to mobile contact numbers in my phone and not email addresses.
That depends on who you are sending it to.
Are you sending to an email contact or to a mobile number?
My phone won't let me select my phone number. I just turned iMessage off -- I'm guessing that's where the problem began.
Thank you!!! This fixed my issue.... Not sure why it got changed... 🙂
I'm sorry but turning off imessage isn't anything but a temporary fix. I shouldnt randomly loose a function of my phone and the only resolution is "turn off said function" iMessage has been a problematic product from the get go and Apple needs to take some efforts to fix it.
If you're still trying to fix this issue, go to Settings>Messages>Send & Receive and select your Apple ID at the top of the page. Then sign out
This should then revert you to your phone number for iMessages
@ randers4: I can Go to Settings>Messages but cant figure out how to get to Receive At>Caller ID? I have an iPhone 4s, with all the updates, just cant get beyond Messages. HELP?
I did turn off iMessage and it fixed the problem!!!
The Caller ID setting is only visible if you have more than one thing listed in Receive At. (The reason is that if there is only one Receive At option there is no reason for having a Caller ID setting as there is only one option for your ID.) I'm not sure what problem you are trying to solve, but if you enable iMessage and it is verified you will see both your number and the email address associated with your Apple ID listed in Receive At, and the Caller ID setting will be visible so you can choose which one you want to use to identify your outgoing messages.
Had same problem the only way I found was to turn off iMessage.
once again.....turn off iMessage. No more email address as text byline
what if it isnt allowing you to use your foreign mobile number? i went to my appleID and i tried adding another number but it doesn't allow me to type it in.
This helped.
why does my iphone send texts as emails?