TheSilverHammer wrote:
We pay the $99 anual fee if that is what you mean by a paid developer account. I can download all the OS's to test with including the new 10.8 preview. Is there some other level of "paid" I need to be aware of?
Nope. That's the one.
1. You went to the apple's site and got your installer or developer certs by generating a cert request and uploading it to Apple (per their instructions). Then you downloaded and installed these certs.
No. I did it entirely through Xcode4. Not being able to see that tutorial document is probably what is causing you trouble. This is one of those things that makes perfect sense to Apple because they deal with it 1000 times a day. We deal with it once or twice a year and even if we do manage to understand it, we forget about by the time we have to do it again.
2. You went to package maker and selected these certs and rebuilt your installer.
No. I just applied an existing certification to an existing package, creating a new installer.
3. Now here is the important part. You took your installer to a NEW MACHINE, not your development one (because this most certainly WILL accept the certs you installed) and this machine was 10.8 with GateKeeper and when you ran your installer package, GateKeeper didn't complain at all? It didn't say your cert was untrusted? I did this with the Apple certs I got and GateKeeper said the cert was untrusted (although it did let me run the installer).
I will have to check this part. In theory, you don't need Mountain Lion. You can do it with Lion. Again, the tutorial has instructions for that.
You see I decided to use our VeriSign code signing cert which we use on other platforms. I installed the cert and it was trusted by default. No addition intermediate certs were needed, which is to be expected. Then I went to package maker and selected that cert. It signed it and everything seemed fine. I ran it on my machine and it all worked. I take it to a new 10.8 machine and run it and get the same untrusted cert error.
I'm pretty sure it has to be an Apple certification.
Now if this works for you then maybe I need to be at some other "Premium" level of developer that I need to pay Apple for? Does Apple (I have not found this) have a special programming support program were we can hire some Apple consultant Guru who can work with us directly to help us untangle this mess?
There is no other level of support available from Apple that I know of. There are the paid developer forums that you should have access to. You would certainly find more people there that are familiar with the process. Apple also provides a couple of free support tickets with a paid membership. I don't know if I would want to burn on of those on an issue like this.
I see you seem to have resolved the problem. I still wanted to provide some answers in case someone else came along.