If updating changed my DNS settings why didn't it alert me to this fact?
Well OpenDNS assumes you know what it is.
What happened is someone here pushed you into changing your DNS as a false resolution of your initial problem.
I really don't approve of this behavior and Apple shouldn't allow it. But it CAN fix some issues only if your ISP's DNS is acting up, which usually it doesn't last very long anyway.
If updating did not change my DNS settings why are sites that weren't blocked twelve hours ago blocked now?
OpenDNS may be blocking them now based upon new information or they might not be blocking them at all, you might have another issue.
If OpenDNS is displaying a page from them, then they are blocking it.
What is the name of the site? I'll run a WOT check to see what's going on. 🙂
Did you check your Flash version? The new Safari blocks outdated Flash and if your visting a Flash site that could be the cause.
My Flash stopped working!
Seriously, this makes no sense to me. At what point in time did I give up my right to surf the internet as I wish to somebody else?
You elected to use OpenDNS and you don't understand how the Internet works. That's the problem. 🙂
If you want to complain, complain to the OpenDNS people for not restoring your previous DNS settings when you quit using their service.
I don't want to find a new DNS service. I didn't even know I was using one. Can I trust a new one? How much research am I going to have to do to find a new one I can trust and why on earth should I have to.
Well you can stay where you are, or you can run the NameBench program to find out what your ISP's DNS servers are and use those instead.
Or you can call your ISP and wait on hold, wait for Level 2 as Level 1 tech help are idiots and then ask for the closest DNS servers to your location and reset them in Network Preferences.
You have always used DNS services, the ISP by default is used by everyone.
Alternate DNS services like OpenDNS, GoogleDNS etc., provide alternative services and block malware/attack sites by default, plus OpenDNS provides content filtering.
All DNS services are recording everything for the government to pick through, or for like Google, to profile you online as they are a advertising company and tracking everything your doing online in all sorts of other ways.
Sorry. Seriously angry about this.
You just don't understand that's all, once your done being angry and can think, then run the NameBench program and find your ISP's DNS and enter them into your Network Preferences and reboot.
Pretty easy actually. 🙂
But the blocking message is from OpenDNS, not my ISP.
Right, OpenDNS is blocking the site.
Perhaps some time ago you set some content filtering and forget it, now you forget the password to log into OpenDNS to change the content filtering.
Either that or OpenDNS has determined the site to be malware/attack and is protecting you.
If I knew the site, then I could run a check.
I just don't understand what changed, why and how to change it back.
Well I don't know your location or your ISP your using, what DNS server would be best for you so I can't just can't give you two sets of IP addresses to enter into your Network Preferences > DNS and all is well.
You'll have to find those out for yourself and enter those yourself.
NameBench will tell you that if you run it and select to include the local DNS option.
They are erotic sites and OpenDNS has decided I'm, at 56, not mature enough to go into them.
Then you must have had a old content filtering set, or the sites are hosting illegal or attack sites.
I'm kind of glad for the protection actually, Mac's can get attacked by hostile websites and I have no desire to see illegal material, especially by surprise, makes me want to puke.
Some erotic sites get hijacked or if they determine your not buying, may purposely start dumping you onto illegal sites to poision your hidden caches which can cause a bit of a legal headache, not mention what the community will think of you if your machine is taken in a arrest.
Really one must use a special account for that type of risky surfing, also use Ccleaner and OnyX for OS X afterwards, this way the caches and Flash cookies are cleaned out and your a new person to them each session.
If you came across illegal material by accident your supposed to report it, there is a fed site somewhere, Center for Missing and Exploited Children I think, haven't needed to use it in a very long time since I started understanding how things work and clearing my caches out and using another account, that way I can trash the whole account and scrub the drive with Disk Utility > Erase Free Space option.
Very rare accidents are not a problem, it's understandable it can occur as anyone can click a trick link. get a redirect and many erotic sites are just plain evil.