Flash Player for Mac OS X 10.4.11 PowerPC G5
Hey Everyone!
Okay, first before anyone says anything, I've already read the other discussions on this subject and none of them have helped. So, I'm adding one myself.
Pleaseeeeeee Please please, could you help?
Here it goes, I cannot utilize my Flash Player anymore - you all know what a pain that is. I now keep getting notices that I have an "unsupported operating system." I have a Mac OS X 10.4.11 Power PC G5. Adobe, as you all know, no longer supports the system. I have tried everything to get my Flash Player back-up and running, with no progress. Including this and it didn't work for me:
Once downloaded if it doesn't unzip automatically the double click on that file.
Look for the fp10.1.102.64_and_9.0.289.0archive folder, open it, look for the Flash Player folder & open and look for 101r10264 folder & open it, double click on the flashplayer101r102_64_ubmac.dmg file, choose the Install Adobe Flash Player file to install... they don't make it easy! 😟
Please help!!!!!! I really need my Flash Player, up and running again.😢
Anyone know of any other application that will work? 😢
Thank you for any help you could give me.
G5, Mac OS X (10.4.11)