What are .smbdelete*** files?
Does anyone know where .smbdelete**** files come from?
When using a windows 2008 server for home space .smbdelete files are created and can be found, amonst others, in ~/Library/Saved Application State/com.apple.application name.savedState.
The files appear when an application is launched and dissapears when the application is closed.
Whilst the application is running it is impossible to delete the files!
The problem is that I need to move ~/Library/Caches from the server to the local machine but if the login script isn't quick enough in deleting the Cache folder before an application is launched an .smbdelete*** file is created in the Caches folder causing the remove Caches process to fail.
opensnoop doesn't seem to register the .smbdelete file being accessed so I can't figure out what process is creating the file.