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ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?, ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?



Posted on Jun 12, 2012 8:26 AM

645 replies

Jul 26, 2013 12:51 PM in response to motox33

Stop whining about this.

The way the App store works has being established well before the launch of the iPad.

Apple has given you a way to install previously purchased Apps without the App Store, it's called iTunes!

If you didn't informed yourselves and didn't backed-up your Apps that's your problem.

I have an iPod Touch 4th gen that I voluntarily downgraded to iOS 5.1.1, because iOS 6 is just to damm slow on it. And since I back-up every version of Apps that passes through my iTunes I was able to make it usable again as it was when new. And I might add that it was backed-up automatically.

The iPod Touch 4th gen and the iPad 1st gen has the same A4 processor with 256MB of RAM. So I’m pretty sure that Apple didn’t release iOS 6 for the first iPad because it was not able run it with a great user experience.

I believe that Apple has no interest in limiting the number of devices that can run their latest OS because that reduces the number of devices that spends money on the App and iTunes Stores, and they make a lot of money on those stores! iPhone 3GS is a great example that they will always try to prolong the life of their products as long as that doesn’t impact user experience.

In my opinion it was a mistake that Apple released iOS 6 for the iPod Touch 4G, because the user experience was greatly reduced, probably because of the 256MB of RAM, it should have stayed with iOS 5.1.1 as the iPad. [can’t say about the iPhone 3GS because I never used one with iOS 6]

Now I must agree that Apple could have made our life a lot easier if they kept the last working version of the Apps for each OS on the Store.

Jul 26, 2013 4:54 PM in response to motox33

I love that over a year after the first post this poor chap is still being told to stop whining (or 'winning' as one poster said (not sure whether any pun was intended!).

I hope we have got past the idea that we deserve a version of ios6 for iPad 1. That's simply not the point. The lack of app support is a different matter and in this day of 'cloud everything' I do not subscribe to the excuse "you should have backed up your apps". Rubbish! The last working version of an app for each iOS version should be made available for MANY years. That doesn't take up that much space and isnt really that much to ask.

Is it?

Jul 26, 2013 5:12 PM in response to Phillipwj

Whey the last "working" version? The last working version would actually be the one that runs now, if it only runs on iOS 6, or on the iPad 2 or higher, then that is the last working app.

So what about people with the iPod Touch 2nd Generation? They can only go to 4.2.1. Shouldn't we keep the last working version that worked on their hardware/software combination?

By the time you get threw with all of this you have about 20 million apps on the app store, you have to increase your storage size that much, you have to increase the number of staff to take care of them and the developers have to keep staff and the SDK versions for each one.

A far more reasonable answer is for people to back up their apps.

Aug 30, 2013 8:58 AM in response to deggie

I agree with the others who have the mindset of “No more Apple for me.”. It’s amazing that this discussion thread is still going and getting lots of traffic. I couldn’t resist the temptation to join in on the discussion (but trying not to sound like I’m whining…. or winning 😉 Let’s hope Apple reads it. I totally agree, I’m not going to whine and I’m just going to hit Apple where it hurts most, the pocket book by not giving them any more of my hard earned cash until they open themselves up to change.

Apple killed off my iPhone by an OS that caused it to run dog slow (10 seconds to open the camera app) and now they have killed off my iPad that cost a lot more money. I do not get why Apple fans, who continue to be treated like lemmings by Apple, seem to almost love being treated that way. They are told what programs to use, how they should use them and oh yea, Apple controls when you no longer get to play with others and can make your hardware obsolete in the click of a button.

I normally don’t like to look a labels when I buy tech but base my decision on what the device or system can do for the cost. I recently made the switch to Android for both my phone and tablet needs and haven’t looked back. One thing I learned is that the Android OS is it's really way ahead (innovation wise) of iOS and the devices costs a lot less (win win). Let me ask, really what has iOS added to it's OS since it was released? You can group icons and support for their own hardware (other than that, not much). With Android you can get so much more a lot less money. If you don’t believe me watch this: http://youtu.be/qbgBxr4H59A Then price it out for yourself. I can buy almost 2 of these for what I’d pay for a new iPad with comparable specs. Plus I can plug in a SD card and upgrade the memory. I agree. Yes, I agree, “No more Apple for me!”, at least not until they change their model, return to days of being more innovate and drop their prices by about 20% (which I don’t see that happening for a long time).

There now I feel better. Thanks for reading this (hopefully you are someone at Apple who can influence change).

Aug 30, 2013 3:19 PM in response to IdrisSeabright

@ Meg St._Clair > Thanks for the info and I'll be sure to do that. Yeah, I had thought that too (although I didn't have that many pics because the camera was pretty crappy back then). So I did delete all the all the pics by resetting it back to factory defaults. Still was too slow after applying the new OS. I even took it to the Apple store and the sales rep said that I would have to upgrade my phone to get the speed back (go figure). Apple controls both the hardware and the software. It would be easy for them to cause delays if you're not at a current model. I'm not saying they would do that but hey, they should at least forewarn their customers that if you have x hardware this OS will cause major delays (after all they own them both). This was back in the iPhone 3G days right after iOS 4 came out. If you remember there was a major flap about the fact that Apple didn’t forewarn their customers of the hardware requirements needed for fast speed. The only fix was to live with it, roll the OS back or get a new phone . That was my first bad taste of the rotten apple. Anyway, thanks for the link and maybe Apple did learned from that (I know I sure did),

Sep 8, 2013 4:48 PM in response to IdrisSeabright

Meg St._Clair U.S.

Re: ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?, ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?

Sep 6, 2013 8:14 PM (in response to Jefferisp)

Jefferisp wrote:

If apple is no longer supporting our device then we should get a refund on all our apps that are no longer working! Class action in the making?

Microsoft Office no longer works on my Mac LC!!!!! I want a refund from someone!!!!


It's the STORE that's the root of the problem. For my Mac, I have DVDs and can uninstall/reinstall whenever the mood strikes.

Sep 8, 2013 6:50 PM in response to Richie.abc

I thought you had bought your Android tablet and left.

No, the root of the problem, and other similar problems, is people never do backups.

The second part of the problem is that the iTunes Store should not let apps be updated when the device does not support the new version/iOS.

As for your example, with more software now being sold as a download expect to see the same issue on computers.

ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?, ios 6 not compatible for ipad 1?

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