Need a WYSIWYG HTML editor for iPad
I should perhaps post this under the iPad heading but its sort of a question (or a feature request) for Pages as well. Pages is great except I can't see a way to do simple HTML editing. What I want is a way to do what you have been able to do in MS word for years, have a WYSIWYG editor where I can change basic styles (italic, bold) insert graphics and add links and then have it gererate HTML. Is there something in Pages to do this that I'm missing? I would expect to have an export or "Save As" option where you can export to HTML. II don't see that. I mentioned Word in fairnss I should admit I hate the way Word generates HTML, filling it with all sorts of extra garbage. All I want (and think people have a right to expect) is a very simple tool. If you want to do more complex stuff I can understand saying you need to edit the HTML manually or buy a tool just for that.
I should add that I'm confined to only my iPad for right now but the last time I checked on my desktop version of Pages that was missing. The reason I need this is I've been using Blogger and the online Blogger UI for editing HTML has changed and is awful on iPad (no surprise it works really well on my friends Chrome Book). No spell checking, weird behaviour and bugs that cause loss of work. I've taken to manually edit the HTML in Pages on my iPad (so putting in tags explcitly) and then pasting it into Blogger when I'm done. Its working but I'm thinking there has to be a less clunky way of doing it.
To sum up:
1) Doesn't this seem like a reasonable feature Pages should have?
2) Am I just dumb (wouldn't be the first time) and missing a way that this can be done in Pages?
3) Is there another app (preferably free) I an download for iPad that does what I want?
iPad, iOS 5, 64Gb