safari 6.0 flash problem (blocked plug in)
getting this message since update to safari 6.0
any help would be great
thank you
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
getting this message since update to safari 6.0
any help would be great
thank you
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Safari 6 blocks outdated Flash Player plugins in order to ensure security. You may update your Flash Plugin at the Adobe website here:
downloaded the flash player 11.3 which is the latest got the same message (blocked plug in)
thank you for you reply j_voracek
I'm sorry my advice did not work. As far as I'm aware, Safari 6 blocks outdated plugins with Flash (unsure about outdated Java) and I supposed that was the problem. Safari 6 is not yet released for Windows, so I am unable to look further into the issue at this time.
Yep, I'm having this same issue. Tried deleting all remnants of Flash on my iMac, restarted, downloaded newest version again and still no luck. It's like Safari thinks the newest version of Flash is not compatible, despite recommending its download.
UPDATE: I resolved the issue by doing the following.
1. Make sure to install the most updated version of Flash.
2. Delete all references to Flash or Shockwave in Macintosh HD > Library > Internet Plugins > Disabled Plugins
Check to see if the version is older by looking at the Date Created sort field. If they are Flash related and weren't installed today, delete them.
top class
thank you
I have a new MacBook Pro and I followed these instructions, downlonading and installing the new Flash plugin. But when I looked in "/Library/Internet Plugins" there was no folder called "Disabled Plugins".
However, I did see two versions of Flash:
_Flash Player.plugin with old date
Flash Player.plugin with todays date
I deleted _Flash Player.plugin and this fixed the problem.
Its kinda sad that I have to go and manually install and delete things after Apple sent me update. I paid 1200$ for my macbook because I was hoping to avoid such things, the way it used to be. Now I feel like I am using overpriced Windows.
It's not Apple's fault that Adobe's Flash is a security issue.
If a cop stopped and told you that there was a downed power line ahead and the road was blocked, would you blame the cop?
If Safari didn't block insecure plugins, you would have Windoze.
It's entirely Adobe's fault for not removing the old Flash plugin when it installs the new one.
If you haven't updated Flash you should do so.
Well cop and wire can't make an agreement. Where apple could talk to adobe to make sure that update work properly prior to sending it to customer. Some ppl not proficient in computer enough to do manual changes. Like my grandma. We bought her apple cause it was just simply working AT all times.
When you install the next version of Flash Player make sure to "allow Adobe to update automatically" is enabled.
Oh, and by the way, the reason it was disabled was because there was a serious vunerabilty issue with Flash not because Apple did anything. Your other internet plugins work, don't they?
This worked for me, i also restarted my system....
There's a million versions of Flash to download. Which one do I select for Mountain Lion?
Adobe will determine the version based on your Mac automatically, if you just visit their site.
Go to instead of some third-party's website and click on "Downloads" near the top center in the navigation bar and then click on the "Get Flash" button.
The current build, as of this post, is: 11.3.300.268
I won't leave a direct link because I think we should get into the habit of always going to the source for ANY stuff we download from the web.
I have been running Mountan Lion for over 4 months, because I have a Developers License. I love it.
safari 6.0 flash problem (blocked plug in)