Exchange 2007, and 2010, works well with ML - we have no issues that we haven't been able to fix, after callung Microsoft.
Microsoft didn't get fix out to the Exchange users in time, nor was Apple provided with all the Exchange details it needed, before publication. MS is always a bit slow to get things done.
Your IT folks need to call MS, not Apple, to get a fix. We did nothing to 2007, except a configuration change to the Exchange Server, and we worked with Microsoft Engineers to get it all working.
Unfortunately, people have the tendency to blame Apple for any third party issues where their program doesn't work. It has never been Apple's responsibility to make other peoples software work. If they get the proper info to Apple, in time, they will include it in the update/software. Everyone has ample time to get their software updated before a new OS X version comes out, and get the proper information to Apple. They should have an update ready for direct updates, if they don't care to have Apple do it, and there are some that are like that.
As I've said, we have no issues, currently, for a few hundred users.