To aid diagnostics -
Change the following lines in /your psHath to webmail/
// system error reporting: 1 = log; 2 = report (not implemented yet), 4 = show, 8 = trace
$rcmail_config['debug_level'] = 1; (Change this to 4)
// log driver: 'syslog' or 'file'.
$rcmail_config['log_driver'] = 'syslog'; (This means that your error messages will turn up in your system log - the next line or two down identifies the log id as "roundcube")
Ok to answer some of the stuff under the hood.
in this directory
you will find a bunch of config files for dovecot.
90-sieve.conf says the following in the setup for the Sieve interpreter
## Settings for the Sieve interpreter
# Do not forget to enable the Sieve plugin in 15-lda.conf and 20-lmtp.conf
# by adding it to the mail_plugins= settings.
So I checked those two files - and the sieve plugin is enabled.
# The path to the user's main active script.
sieve = /Library/Server/Mail/Data/rules/%u/dovecot.sieve
# A path to a global sieve script file, which gets executed ONLY
# if user's private Sieve script doesn't exist. Be sure to
# pre-compile this script manually using the sievec command line
# tool.
#sieve_global_path = /var/lib/dovecot/sieve/default.sieve
# Directory for :personal include scripts for the include extension.
sieve_dir = /Library/Server/Mail/Data/rules/%u
These other lines , I just made sure that Managesieve plugin in roundcube matched these.
It doesn't matter that the sieve global path doesn't exist, it has no effect on the operation of sieve and managesieve.
20-managesieve.conf had the following interesting bits!
## ManageSieve specific settings
service managesieve-login {
inet_listener sieve {
port = 4190
inet_listener sieve_deprecated {
port = 2000
Which I changed in the roundcube managesieve plugin to use port 4190 and not 2000. 2000 probably works, but may go away one day.
Thats all I did.
The only other thing you may want to do is restore your old rules from Time Machine to the path - sieve_dir = /Library/Server/Mail/Data/rules/%u
to recover your old ones. I didn't have a great number, so I just created the ones that I wanted again.
Its not magic, nor do I really know what I'm doing 😉 .....
Now, where are we at ???? !!