Hello !
Thank you for your answer.
Here are the logs you requested.
mail settings
mail:postfix:smtpd_pw_server_security_options:_array_index:0 = "cram-md5"
mail:postfix:smtpd_pw_server_security_options:_array_index:1 = "login"
mail:postfix:smtpd_pw_server_security_options:_array_index:2 = "plain"
mail:postfix:spam_quarantine = "admin@dark-orange.com"
mail:postfix:smtp_reject_list_enabled = no
mail:postfix:smtp_sasl_auth_enable = no
mail:postfix:whitelist_from = _empty_array
mail:postfix:submit_cred:dark-orange.com:username = "submit"
mail:postfix:submit_cred:dark-orange.com:password = removed
mail:postfix:smtp_auth_relay_dict:smtp_auth_relay_userid = ""
mail:postfix:smtp_auth_relay_dict:smtp_auth_relay_pwd = ""
mail:postfix:smtp_auth_relay_dict:smtp_auth_relay_host = ""
mail:postfix:client_permit_mynetworks = yes
mail:postfix:smtpd_tls_cert_file = "/etc/certificates/dark-orange.com.C02CB542581AF67CF10956C627ED1B0EB7682796.cer t.pem"
mail:postfix:maps_rbl_domains_enabled = yes
mail:postfix:spam_subject_tag = "***JUNK MAIL*** "
mail:postfix:smtpd_tls_CAfile = "/etc/certificates/dark-orange.com.C02CB542581AF67CF10956C627ED1B0EB7682796.cha in.pem"
mail:postfix:message_size_limit_enabled = yes
mail:postfix:virus_db_last_update = "2012-08-21 03:57:45 +0000"
mail:postfix:mail_enabled_groups = _empty_array
mail:postfix:add_whitelist_domain:_array_index:0 = "dark-orange.com"
mail:postfix:virus_scan_enabled = yes
mail:postfix:spam_ok_locales = "en"
mail:postfix:spam_notify_admin_email = "admin@dark-orange.com"
mail:postfix:black_hole_domains:_array_index:0 = "zen.spamhaus.org"
mail:postfix:virus_db_log_level = "warn"
mail:postfix:spam_scan_enabled = yes
mail:postfix:virus_quarantine = "admin@dark-orange.com"
mail:postfix:reject_unauth_piplining_enabled = no
mail:postfix:blacklist_from = _empty_array
mail:postfix:spam_rewrite_subject = yes
mail:postfix:message_size_limit = 10485760
mail:postfix:greylist_disable = no
mail:postfix:mynetworks:_array_index:0 = ""
mail:postfix:mynetworks:_array_index:1 = "[::1]/128"
mail:postfix:virus_log_level = "warn"
mail:postfix:host_whitelist = _empty_array
mail:postfix:rbl_override_list = _empty_array
mail:postfix:group_expansion:start_interval = 10
mail:postfix:group_expansion:enable_group_expansion = no
mail:postfix:virus_notify_recipients = no
mail:postfix:luser_relay_enabled = no
mail:postfix:mydomain = "dark-orange.com"
mail:postfix:mydestination:_array_index:0 = "localhost"
mail:postfix:virus_notify_admin_email = "admin@dark-orange.com"
mail:postfix:enable_virtual_domains = yes
mail:postfix:spam_notify_admin = no
mail:postfix:required_hits = 6
mail:postfix:add_whitelist_host = _empty_array
mail:postfix:always_bcc_enabled = no
mail:postfix:enable_var_mail = no
mail:postfix:smtpd_tls_key_file = "/etc/certificates/dark-orange.com.C02CB542581AF67CF10956C627ED1B0EB7682796.key .pem"
mail:postfix:enable_smtp = yes
mail:postfix:relayhost = ""
mail:postfix:mynetworks_enabled = no
mail:postfix:spam_ok_languages = "en fr de ja sw ta"
mail:postfix:virtual_domains:_array_index:0 = "dark-orange.fr"
mail:postfix:virtual_domains:_array_index:1 = "dark-orange.eu"
mail:postfix:rbl_override_enabled = no
mail:postfix:log_rolling_days = 1
mail:postfix:enable_smtp_in = yes
mail:postfix:tls_server_options = "use"
mail:postfix:spam_action = "deliver"
mail:postfix:log_rolling_days_enabled = yes
mail:postfix:spam_log_level = "warn"
mail:postfix:smtp_uce_controlls = 1
mail:postfix:relayhost_enabled = no
mail:postfix:virus_action = "delete"
mail:postfix:virus_db_update_days = 12
mail:postfix:virus_notify_admin = no
mail:postfix:domain_whitelist:_array_index:0 = "dark-orange.com"
mail:postfix:enable_smtp_out = yes
mail:postfix:text_only_attachments = yes
mail:postfix:reject_unknown_client_enabled = no
mail:postfix:log_level = "debug"
mail:postfix:myhostname = "dark-orange.com"
mail:global:auto_auth = no
mail:imap:lmtp_over_quota_perm_failure = no
mail:imap:srvtab = "/etc/srvtab"
mail:imap:imap_auth_cram_md5 = yes
mail:imap:imap_auth_clear = yes
mail:imap:loginuseacl = no
mail:imap:popexpiretime = 0
mail:imap:notifysocket = "/var/imap/socket/notify"
mail:imap:timeout = 30
mail:imap:max_imap_connections = 1000
mail:imap:sieve_maxscripts = 5
mail:imap:logtimestamps = no
mail:imap:quota_enforce_restrictions = no
mail:imap:tls_imap_key_file = ""
mail:imap:mupdate_authname = ""
mail:imap:newsprefix = ""
mail:imap:proxyservers = _empty_array
mail:imap:junk_mail_userid = "junkmail"
mail:imap:singleinstancestore = yes
mail:imap:mupdate_password = ""
mail:imap:imap_auth_digest_md5 = yes
mail:imap:tls_cert_file = "/etc/certificates/dark-orange.com.C02CB542581AF67CF10956C627ED1B0EB7682796.cer t.pem"
mail:imap:lmtp_admins = _empty_array
mail:imap:poptimeout = 10
mail:imap:postuser = ""
mail:imap:imap_auth_plain = yes
mail:imap:quota_custom_error = _empty_dictionary
mail:imap:tls_imap_cert_file = ""
mail:imap:aps_topic = "com.apple.mail.XServer.b9f880d3-af66-47dc-9372-5ceb91ea0087"
mail:imap:sieve_proxyservers = _empty_array
mail:imap:request_enable_webmail = no
mail:imap:lmtp_luser_relay_enabled = no
mail:imap:unixhierarchysep = no
mail:imap:urlauth_hostport = ""
mail:imap:imap_auth_gssapi = no
mail:imap:partition-default = "/Library/Server/Mail/Data/mail"
mail:imap:allowanonymouslogin = no
mail:imap:quota_custom_warning_message_path = ""
mail:imap:imapidlepoll = 60
mail:imap:quota_custom_error_message_path = ""
mail:imap:enable_pop = yes
mail:imap:tls_session_timeout = 1440
mail:imap:mupdate_server = ""
mail:imap:mupdate_realm = ""
mail:imap:auth_gssapi_hostname = ""
mail:imap:enable_sieve = yes
mail:imap:lmtpsocket = "/var/imap/socket/lmtp"
mail:imap:enable_quota_warnings = no
mail:imap:mupdate_port = ""
mail:imap:postmaster = "postmaster"
mail:imap:pop_auth_gssapi = no
mail:imap:pop_auth_apop = yes
mail:imap:deleteright = "c"
mail:imap:proxyd_allow_status_referral = no
mail:imap:sharedprefix = "Shared Folders"
mail:imap:sasl_auto_transition = no
mail:imap:tls_ca_file = "/etc/certificates/dark-orange.com.C02CB542581AF67CF10956C627ED1B0EB7682796.cha in.pem"
mail:imap:sasl_minimum_layer = 0
mail:imap:sievedir = ""
mail:imap:debug_command = ""
mail:imap:duplicatesuppression = yes
mail:imap:tls_lmtp_key_file = ""
mail:imap:servername = ""
mail:imap:partitions = _empty_array
mail:imap:tls_imap_require_cert = no
mail:imap:sieve_admins = _empty_array
mail:imap:global_quota = 0
mail:imap:mupdate_retry_delay = 20
mail:imap:not_junk_mail_userid = "notjunkmail"
mail:imap:quota_custom_warning = _empty_dictionary
mail:imap:enable_imap = yes
mail:imap:popminpoll = 0
mail:imap:tls_pop3_key_file = ""
mail:imap:sendmail = "/usr/lib/sendmail"
mail:imap:tls_lmtp_cert_file = ""
mail:imap:tls_require_cert = no
mail:imap:notification_server_enabled = yes
mail:imap:tls_sieve_require_cert = no
mail:imap:defaultpartition = "default"
mail:imap:pop_auth_clear = yes
mail:imap:allowallsubscribe = no
mail:imap:sasl_pwcheck_method = "auxprop"
mail:imap:sieve_maxscriptsize = 32
mail:imap:tls_sieve_key_file = ""
mail:imap:tls_ca_path = ""
mail:imap:defaultacl = "anyone lrs"
mail:imap:reject8bit = no
mail:imap:tls_key_file = "/etc/certificates/dark-orange.com.C02CB542581AF67CF10956C627ED1B0EB7682796.key .pem"
mail:imap:tls_pop3_require_cert = no
mail:imap:sasl_maximum_layer = 256
mail:imap:autocreatequota = 0
mail:imap:tls_sieve_cert_file = ""
mail:imap:userprefix = "Other Users"
mail:imap:mupdate_admins = _empty_array
mail:imap:postmaster_address = "postmaster@dark-orange.com"
mail:imap:mupdate_username = ""
mail:imap:quota_warn_frequency_days = 0
mail:imap:tls_pop3_cert_file = ""
mail:imap:aps_topic_enabled = yes
mail:imap:quotawarn = 80
mail:imap:plaintextloginpause = 0
mail:imap:lmtp_overquota_perm_failure = no
mail:imap:tls_server_options = "use"
mail:imap:allowplaintext = yes
mail:imap:loginrealms = _empty_array
mail:imap:lmtp_luser_relay = ""
mail:imap:imapidresponse = yes
mail:imap:tls_cipher_list:_array_index:0 = "DEFAULT"
mail:imap:imap_auth_login = yes
mail:imap:admins = _empty_array
mail:imap:altnamespace = no
mail:imap:sieveusehomedir = no
mail:imap:tls_lmtp_require_cert = no
mail:imap:log_level = "info"
mail:imap:umask = "077"
mail:imap:hashimapspool = no
mail:imap:imap_proxyservers = _empty_array
Aug 21 08:12:35 SilverBox.local postfix/anvil[40708]: statistics: max connection count 1 for (smtpd: at Aug 21 08:09:14
Aug 21 08:12:35 SilverBox.local postfix/anvil[40708]: statistics: max cache size 1 at Aug 21 08:09:14
Aug 21 08:41:26 SilverBox.local postfix/postscreen[40843]: CONNECT from []:54475 to []:25
Aug 21 08:41:32 SilverBox.local postfix/postscreen[40843]: PASS NEW []:54475
Aug 21 08:41:32 SilverBox.local postfix/smtpd[40849]: connect from extmta1.aexp.com[]
Aug 21 08:41:34 SilverBox /usr/libexec/postfix/greylist.pl[40855]: Temporary message rejection to: <nospam@dark-orange.com> from: <PAPLS201223320120821000438275845.AMEX.MYCA@welcome.aexp.com> sent from: [] for: 60 seconds due to greylisting
Aug 21 08:41:34 SilverBox.local postfix/smtpd[40849]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from extmta1.aexp.com[]: 450 4.7.1 <nospam@dark-orange.com>: Recipient address rejected: Service is unavailable; from=<PAPLS201223320120821000438275845.AMEX.MYCA@welcome.aexp.com> to=<nospam@dark-orange.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<welcome.aexp.com>
Aug 21 08:41:40 SilverBox.local postfix/smtpd[40849]: disconnect from extmta1.aexp.com[]
Aug 21 08:45:00 SilverBox.local postfix/anvil[40852]: statistics: max connection rate 1/60s for (smtpd: at Aug 21 08:41:33
Aug 21 08:45:00 SilverBox.local postfix/anvil[40852]: statistics: max connection count 1 for (smtpd: at Aug 21 08:41:33
Aug 21 08:45:00 SilverBox.local postfix/anvil[40852]: statistics: max cache size 1 at Aug 21 08:41:33
Aug 21 08:51:30 SilverBox.local mail_groups[41062]: initializing email group services
Aug 21 08:51:30 SilverBox.local mail_groups[41062]: initializing open directory session
Aug 21 08:51:30 SilverBox.local mail_groups[41062]: open directory session initialized successfully
Aug 21 08:51:30 SilverBox.local mail_groups[41062]: Removing old group aliases section in: /etc/aliases
Aug 21 08:51:30 SilverBox.local mail_groups[41062]: no enabled mail groups found
Aug 21 08:51:30 SilverBox.local mail_groups[41062]: sleeping for: 1 hour(s)
Aug 21 09:23:18 SilverBox.local postfix/postscreen[41281]: CONNECT from []:37649 to []:25
Aug 21 09:23:18 SilverBox.local postfix/dnsblog[41282]: addr listed by domain zen.spamhaus.org as
Aug 21 09:23:18 SilverBox.local postfix/dnsblog[41282]: addr listed by domain zen.spamhaus.org as
Aug 21 09:23:24 SilverBox.local postfix/postscreen[41281]: DNSBL rank 2 for []:37649
Aug 21 09:23:54 SilverBox.local postfix/postscreen[41281]: warning: psc_cache_update: btree:/Library/Server/Mail/Data/mta/
2012-08-21 08:51:33 CEST LOG: database system is shut down
2012-08-21 09:51:17 CEST LOG: database system was shut down at 2012-08-21 08:51:33 CEST
2012-08-21 09:51:17 CEST LOG: autovacuum launcher started
2012-08-21 09:51:17 CEST LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2012-08-21 09:51:19 CEST LOG: connection received: host=[local]
2012-08-21 09:51:19 CEST LOG: connection authorized: user=_devicemgr database=device_management
2012-08-21 09:51:20 CEST LOG: received smart shutdown request
2012-08-21 09:51:20 CEST LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down
2012-08-21 09:51:20 CEST LOG: shutting down
2012-08-21 09:51:20 CEST LOG: database system is shut down
2012-08-21 09:51:21 CEST LOG: database system was shut down at 2012-08-21 09:51:20 CEST
2012-08-21 09:51:21 CEST LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2012-08-21 09:51:21 CEST LOG: autovacuum launcher started
2012-08-21 09:51:21 CEST LOG: connection received: host=[local]
2012-08-21 09:51:21 CEST LOG: connection authorized: user=collab database=collab
2012-08-21 09:51:22 CEST LOG: connection received: host=[local]
2012-08-21 09:51:22 CEST LOG: connection authorized: user=collab database=collab
2012-08-21 09:51:22 CEST LOG: received smart shutdown request
2012-08-21 09:51:22 CEST LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down
2012-08-21 09:51:22 CEST LOG: shutting down
2012-08-21 09:51:22 CEST LOG: database system is shut down
2012-08-21 09:51:23 CEST LOG: database system was shut down at 2012-08-21 09:51:22 CEST
2012-08-21 09:51:23 CEST LOG: autovacuum launcher started
2012-08-21 09:51:23 CEST LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2012-08-21 09:51:25 CEST LOG: connection received: host=[local]
2012-08-21 09:51:25 CEST LOG: connection authorized: user=_devicemgr database=device_management
2012-08-21 09:51:25 CEST LOG: received smart shutdown request
2012-08-21 09:51:25 CEST LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down
2012-08-21 09:51:25 CEST LOG: shutting down
2012-08-21 09:51:25 CEST LOG: database system is shut down
2012-08-21 09:51:33 CEST LOG: database system was shut down at 2012-08-21 09:51:25 CEST
2012-08-21 09:51:33 CEST LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2012-08-21 09:51:33 CEST LOG: autovacuum launcher started
2012-08-21 09:51:33 CEST LOG: connection received: host=[local]
2012-08-21 09:51:33 CEST LOG: connection authorized: user=collab database=collab
2012-08-21 09:51:33 CEST LOG: connection received: host=[local]
2012-08-21 09:51:33 CEST LOG: connection authorized: user=collab database=collab
2012-08-21 09:51:33 CEST LOG: received smart shutdown request
2012-08-21 09:51:33 CEST LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down
2012-08-21 09:51:33 CEST LOG: shutting down
2012-08-21 09:51:33 CEST LOG: database system is shut down
2012-08-21 10:27:06 CEST LOG: database system was shut down at 2012-08-21 09:51:33 CEST
2012-08-21 10:27:06 CEST LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2012-08-21 10:27:06 CEST LOG: autovacuum launcher started
2012-08-21 10:27:06 CEST LOG: connection received: host=[local]
2012-08-21 10:27:06 CEST LOG: connection authorized: user=_postgres database=postgres