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How do I remove XQuartz ? 10.8

Right, I didn't know were to post this.... but anyways

I wanted to use .exe files on mac, and herd about a program called WineBottler.

I tried it and it wanted access to X11, but as you know mountain Lion no longer uses X11, so I searched it up and found this page


And I downloaded XQuarts in hope that the Winebottler would work, but I dont even know how to use the program so I thought I should just get rid of it, however I also want to remove the XQuartz program too as I dont know what that does either

Can someone explain to me how I remove it ?


MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

Posted on Jul 31, 2012 9:20 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Jul 5, 2013 2:22 AM

If you want to remove XQuartz.app from your system, you can do that with these steps:

launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist

sudo rm -rf /opt/X11* /Library/Launch*/org.macosforge.xquartz.* /Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app /etc/*paths.d/*XQuartz

sudo pkgutil --forget org.macosforge.xquartz.pkg

Log out and log in


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Jul 5, 2013 2:22 AM in response to O n y x

If you want to remove XQuartz.app from your system, you can do that with these steps:

launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist

sudo rm -rf /opt/X11* /Library/Launch*/org.macosforge.xquartz.* /Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app /etc/*paths.d/*XQuartz

sudo pkgutil --forget org.macosforge.xquartz.pkg

Log out and log in



Jan 25, 2013 7:27 AM in response to O n y x

XQuartz does not replace the system X11 on Snow Leopard, so you can go back to the Apple-provided X11.app rather easily. Just launch X11.app rather than XQuartz.app to get the older server. If you want to make Apple's X11.app the default server (owning the launchd $DISPLAY socket), then you should disable the org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist as described in the first question. After logging out and back in, Apple's X11.app will be default. If you still want to remove XQuartz.app from your system, you can do that with these two steps:

launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist

sudo rm -rf /opt/X11* /Library/Launch*/org.macosforge.xquartz.* /Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app /etc/*paths.d/*XQuartz

sudo pkgutil --forget org.macosforge.xquartz.pkg


Jul 31, 2012 9:36 AM in response to O n y x

If the application came with an uninstaller, use it.

For the most part, just drag the application to the trash. Some applications come with uninstallers under "options" on the installer.

The reason for this is that in Mac OS X most associated files are kept in the application package itself. If you choose any app then "control-click" on it, you can choose "Show package contents" from the contextual menu and you will see all the associated items.

You can also do a Finder or Spotlight search for any other items but they will probably only be prefs which will do no harm and don't take up much room.

These are ususally just plist files in Users/yourname/Library/Preferences . Also some apps will install files in Users/yourname/Library/Application Support.

Note: Some apps may also put a file SystemPreferences >> Users & Groups >> Login items. (So, it worth a look here too)

EDIT:AppCleaner also does a decent job.


Aug 4, 2012 6:47 AM in response to O n y x

You may try Wineskin, but everything that uses Wine can be coimplicated to get working... As of Wineskin 2.5.6 you shouldn't need XQuartz installed at all for 10.8, as Wineskin has a custom version built in.

That said, if you ever want to use Crossover or some older Wineskin wrappers people share (like from paulthetall.com or portingteam.com), you really need to have XQuartz installed.

If you really want to get rid of XQuartz, it is NOT a self contained app, and hardly any of it is actually in the XQuartz.app bundle. You can do it multiple ways, but I'll give you the safest

Open Terminal.app and type the following...

open /opt

this should open up a Finder window showing you the contents of your /opt folder which is normally hidden. In it you'll see a X11 folder, which houses all of XQuartz. Select that X11 folder and Trash it. It'll ask for an admin password to trash it.


Aug 18, 2014 7:39 AM in response to O n y x

If I may ask, what is exactly XQuartz?

I get it that it is some kind of window system. I was wondering, does it replace the default system used by Mavericks or does it run only when starting software that requires it?

I haven't been able to find much information about it.


Apr 28, 2016 6:19 PM in response to icysnowflake10

icysnowflake10 wrote:

It says "XQuartz could not be deleted because it is running." I click stop and it still does not work...


Search for "uninstall"

Follow the instructions


If I may ask, what is exactly XQuartz?

XQuartz is a Mac OS X Implementation of the X11 system. X11 is typically used as the graphical windowing system for most Unix/Linux platforms. X11 has the ability to have the application running on one system and the display running on another system.

XQuartz allows Mac OS X users the ability to use X11 written applications. In some cases these applications are open source packages that are built to run on the Mac, and in other cases an X11 based applications may be running on a remote Unix/Linux system and the output being displayed on the Mac running XQuartz.

I was wondering, does it replace the default system used by Mavericks


or does it run only when starting software that requires it?



How do I remove XQuartz ? 10.8

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