(error code -8058) OS X ML
I am having a bunch of problems with my MacBook Pro 15" (Early 2011) after upgrading to Mountain Lion.
OS X ML or some sort of virus is creating folders on its own with different names, which I cannot select, open, drag, nor delete! The names that came up until now are: Movies, Folder, and Images. (See photo).
If I select the file, for ex. GOPR1160.JPG hold Shift Key and click on GOPR1135.mov, the folder Movies is than selected together with the two other files. When I try to drag them to trash by clicking and holding the Movies folder, nothing moves. I am only able to do this through draging through the two other files. Once I send them to trash I get this message:
I hit delete and then try to empty the trash, I get this error:
The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8058).
The folders Movies, Images and Folder remain where I found them and cannot be deleted.
Is this a Mac Virus and is my computer infected? What should I do? I don't have a back up disk and am concerned that I might lose information from my MBP.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2011, 15"