How to get adobe flash to my ipad
How to get adobe flash to my iPad
iPad 2, Windows XP
How to get adobe flash to my iPad
iPad 2, Windows XP
You can't, flash is not supported on the iPad - and as Adobe have announced that they are stopping development on all mobile versions of it, it probably never will be.
Browser apps such as Skyfire, iSwifter, Puffin and Photon 'work' on some sites, but judging by their reviews not all sites. Also some websites have their own apps in the App Store.
No Flash for iPads, iPhones, or iPods
Here's why there's is no Flash available for iDevices or other mobile devices. Adobe was unable to provide a product that was suitable to the needs of battery powered mobile devices used for Internet browsing. Existing Flash technology used too much memory, ate battery life, and was buggy. Simply put Flash did not work well on mobile devices.
Apple's Steve Jobs led the escape from Flash dependency when Apple introduced the iPhone, and later introduced the iPad. There was a hue and cry over the omission. Time proved Jobs was right on target.
So this is why there is no Flash for your iPhone or iPad or iPod nor for most SmartPhones. Flash has been abandoned by many sites in favor of supported technologies such as HTML5 or by providing their own custom app.
Here is Steve Jobs official comment on his momentous decision to omit Flash from iDevices: Steve Jobs on Flash.
Here is Adobe's later announcement to cease development of Flash for mobile devices: Adobe on Mobile Flash.
Now, you are not necessarily out on a limb. There are some apps that can display some Flash, but don't count on there ability to display anything using Flash.
Apps that can display some Flash content from the Web:
Also, note that many sites that use Flash provide their own app for accessing their material. So check with your favorite sites and find out if "there's an app for that."
Well that is totally insufficient as so many times links in twitter, etc. will not work due to a lack of "flash". Apple should have come up with their version of flash. No wonder the stock is in the tank.
Their stock rose to $700 per share without Flash, so the decline has nothing to do with the absence of Flash. Apparently you are just badly informed. If Flash was so important to you, then why did you buy an iPad. The absence of Flash is nothing new, except to you who didn't do their research before buying.
Flash is gone from android also, I guess Google's stock is next.
I agree with you hughscot. In this day and age, with capabilities that are available. Why would you think to check if a device could play a video? Seems archaic. I have all apple products. I am done with their limitations ( I could go on and on naming them all). When I upgrade I am going back to PC.
You're wrong, please stop spreading mis-information.
I have a brand new Galaxy Note 2, which came out after the iPhone 5, it's running the newest android OS 4.1.1 which also came out after the iPhone 5, and I just went to Adobe's website and downloaded Flash just fine.
No tricks, nothing special, just clicked the download link, installed it, went to put locker and started wtaching "TED". Just like I do on my mac.
Look I even took screen shots of the entire process...
(scroll your window, or open in new tab to see the whole picture)
v---- BTW, the link on Adobe's site was posted less than a month ago.---v
^---- BTW, the link on Adobe's site was posted less than a month ago.---^
Well it just seems pretty redicules in this technical age that a device can't play a video on thousands of major sites on the Internet. No matter who's at fault of what, seems like someone could come up with a solution.
Just goes to prove with the corporate BS the public looses.
Well, there has been an alternative from day 1 and it's called "HTML5". The main problem is that people are so invested in flash that the up-take has been really slow, especially with less popular video sites that don't have the resources to provide both Flash and HTML5 video players.
It was time for Flash to die and a lot of the features that Flash provides and more have been incorporated in the HTML5 spec. I know this isn't really a solution, but you could email websites that run video content exclusively in flash and ask them to provide an HTML5 alternative so you can still watch videos on your iPhone.
So what would be the #1 recommendation. I don't game but do want to watch videos
My iPad while watching video in browser Weibo I have flash player, but Weibo has asked flash player latest to do?
Contact Weibo.
How to get adobe flash to my ipad