How do I configure "Computer Authentication" in Apple Configurator for 802.1X wifi?
I'm trying to setup a mac on a network designed for PCs. Here's what I'm trying to approximate:
My 802.1X requires me first to be part of the Active Directory. I've done this. Details of the Windows security procedure are given in the screenshots below. What I can't figure out is how to setup "Computer Authentication".
Clicking on the security tab of my wireless properties... It says PEAP and WEP so presumably this is WEP enterprise in Apple configurator.
Click on settings and I see Authentication Method MSCHAPv2 which is only available under TTLS in Apple configurator. So is it PEAP or TTLS or both?
The problem with PEAP is that it always asks me for a user name and password but I want to use computer authentication. I tried using the "outer identity" which is the name I registered with the Active Directory, but no joy. Is the outer identity the correct place to designate a computer authentication type authentication mode?