jamie.shaw wrote:
As for stealing the ":hover" style, be my guest. I'm flattered, if anything 🙂
Thanks. I realize is it just a darker, inset background, but while it's on my mind and in front of me, I'm going to snag it. I would be better at web design if I didn't hate it so much.
The best advice I can give is to try to keep your content and presentation separate. Try to make the site usable even without any styling at all, like in a text-based web browser. Try very hard to use only basic HTML. Don't add divs that serve only the display. Don't have any metadata (like "widebutton" or something) that implies some sort of display attribute.
In most cases, you can build a nice site with just CSS styles. If you are lucky, IE might even render it properly. If not, it is easy to add IE-specific CSS. Only change the structure as a last resort. Even if you get it looking perfectly, some browser update or new version could break it at any time. The fewer hacks and tricks you use, the better your site will handle that stuff.
Next, check it in Firefox. IE9 is actually quite good. Firefox needs more hacks. Finally, check with Chrome. If there is a problem there, change the structure and start again with Safari.
You should also download Validator S. A. C. Your site reports 24 errors. Web browsers will try to correct these errors on their own and that could result in a different structure or CSS interpretation than you expected.