Lost Mail icon on iPhone. How do I restore it?
Lost Mail icon or App on my iPhone. How do I restore it?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
Lost Mail icon or App on my iPhone. How do I restore it?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
I'm in the same boat. I was deleting a bunch of unused apps last night and accidentally deleted the "mail" app that was a factory setting. I can't figure out how to get it back. I've looked in Settings and also searched for "mail, contacts and calendars".... can't find it anywhere. I've also "restored to factory settings" and "restored the home screen". Nothing.
I'm in the same boat. I was deleting a bunch of unused apps last night and accidentally deleted the "mail" app that was a factory setting. I can't figure out how to get it back. I've looked in Settings and also searched for "mail, contacts and calendars".... can't find it anywhere. I've also "restored to factory settings" and "restored the home screen". Nothing.
I lost today my mail icon. After trying shutting the phone off I could not get it. In the settings it was also missing. Next I tried the App Store and I "downloaded" it. Then I got a welcome screen. Tried to sign into a gmail account and got a message telling me it was already there. I was also missing my company email file. Tried resetting the home screen as someone suggested and did not do much. Finally I went to settings, found the mail settings restored and went into accounts. All my mail accounts were there but they had been turned off. I turned them back on and I seem to be back to normal.
I did too, it does delete and was gone off my 7. Figure apple mail can be deleted now and I can't recover it. It won't let me editmor add, it says it's already there yet it's nowhere to be found. Anyone?! Thanks
Just reboot the device. Press and hold the power button until you see a slider. Slide to the right to shut device off. Wait about 30 seconds, press and hold the power button again. This time wait until you see the Apple logo, then release. That should do it.
It's a pre-installed app and therefore cannot be deleted so you may have inadvertently moved it onto another screen or into a folder, check the Utilities folder if you have one. Check all screens and folders and do a search in Spotlight, it will tell you if the app is still on your iPhone but unfortunately not where it is. If you find it on one or your screens or in a folder, press the icon until it wiggles and then drag it back to where you want it. Alternatively you can reset your home screen in Settings>General>Reset>Reset Home Screen Layout.
It's a native app unless you happen to JB it and delete iPhone icons that are core embedded.
This is what I found & it worked for me.
Just reboot the phone. Press and hold power button and home button at the same time. Keep holding until the Apple icon comes on the screen. After a few minutes, the phone is ready & mail icon will be back.
I have been struggling with this for the past few days, with a missing Apple App Store icon, following all the reset advice and retrting off my phone. No dice.
What FINALLY worked was to go into Settings/General/Restrictions and make sure Restrictions are OFF .
I had recently turned on various restrictions when my photo cache maxed out my memory (long story/whole other problem but solved now too).
***Look into RESTRICTIONS! you may have accidentally turned it off there
This comment is dangerous and irresponsible without a warning of what will happen should you choose the 'Reset Home Screen Layout' option.
I went to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Home Screen Layout and I didn't realise it would completely mess up all my app folders. And no I don't have a backup on iTunes. I went from a minor problem to a major headache.
Thanks for ruining my day 😠😠
It is so easy to delete something you really want. My grandkids deleted the apps on me too. The easiest way to restore an iPhone or iPad app is to go into the App Store, do a search for Apple and then all of the Apple apps will appear for you to restore whatever you need. And no, . But there's always a back up plan. There's more than one way to skin a cat.
Go to App store and search Apple mail. Icon will appear. Press download
AFter download, you may need to settings, find mail and then accounts. Turn them on. Do not try signing in, it only causes confusion.
None of the apps included with iOS can be deleted.
Double-check within every folder on every home screen and on every home screen.
Lost Mail icon on iPhone. How do I restore it?