Interactive Image - Text Gets Cut Off
Please see image - When second line (unbolded text) is not as lengthy as first line (bolded text) it cuts off. Is this a glitch or can I fix this somehow?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Try these:
- reduce the font size
- change font
- increase the size of the callout
Reducing font size defeats the purpose (you want it legible for all), and it doesn't work. Changing font or font family doesn't work either. I have the same problem. If only there was a way to increase padding or margin of the call outs!
I got it! Chose the text formatting in the inspector and with your text selected increase the inset margin.
Ok I still need help. Although it appears you can customize callouts, as you can see I changed the color fill to lime green, added a funky stroke, and increased the inset margin to give more than enough breathing room, nothing acutally transfers over in the preview. It goes back to the default gray. The font and font color changes correctly, but other factors including the inset margin and color fill do not change? Why is this?
The first thought is did you save evenything. I have tried to reproduce your actions - but with a nor text box.. I have no shift in colour.
Are you using a standard text box?
The next thing I see is you appear to have chosen Apples free template "Editorial" and use it in its standard form.
Although text box's are not controlled by teh default template settings,, its advisable to first decide your colour scheme and basic layout in the template - Apple Changes to everything you changed - even of it does request you to.
The thumb shows the text box seems to overlay a photo galleryor some other widget.
Are you aware that even the basic template sits in layers stacked front to back if any object on your screen is not full size, then its possible another layer is cut off ie the content is forced to flow under a layer which sits on a higher lever.
In iBA select a layer that is "cut off" and select ARRANGE in the top menu bar and click on Move to front. Check if your lost content appears. It may be one or more layers are active at levels which block your content.
Using a basic free template and then changing content in any way just on your work page - can often result in the default setting overriding your choice in preview.
Interactive Image - Text Gets Cut Off