How do I find the %appdata% through bootcamp?
So I want to find the Roaming folder (%appdata%) through bootcamp, but the thing is, how? I've looked all over my windows acount through bootcamp! Please Help!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
So I want to find the Roaming folder (%appdata%) through bootcamp, but the thing is, how? I've looked all over my windows acount through bootcamp! Please Help!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Here is an odd but elegant solution - I wanted to access the %appdata% folder to dig out the roaming folder and copy a Minecraft save file... I did this by
Opening Text Edit and then File -> Open to create a dialogue box...
then I navigated to the Bootcamp Partition from the dialogue box and pressed Command-Shift-Period this shows Hidden files
At last I could see the files I was looking for.... but how could I access them, Text Edit surely could not open them...
Well I simple dragged them from the dialogue box to my desktop to copy them and then closed the text edit window...
Thanks Apple drag and drop rocks.....
Here is an odd but elegant solution - I wanted to access the %appdata% folder to dig out the roaming folder and copy a Minecraft save file... I did this by
Opening Text Edit and then File -> Open to create a dialogue box...
then I navigated to the Bootcamp Partition from the dialogue box and pressed Command-Shift-Period this shows Hidden files
At last I could see the files I was looking for.... but how could I access them, Text Edit surely could not open them...
Well I simple dragged them from the dialogue box to my desktop to copy them and then closed the text edit window...
Thanks Apple drag and drop rocks.....
Omg, i can't thank you enough! 😀
How do I find the %appdata% through bootcamp?