Quoting sbaily4:
"Just as you stated just because your issue appeared just after the update don't mean it is iOS 6.1 core either. "
When only one thing changes, and then something breaks, there is a very high probability that That One Thing is probably the source of the failure. In my experience, of which I have some.
"So you are saying that it is not possible that perhaps there is some other issue?"
Nope, never said that. The world is full of infinite possibilities. Just in this case, I can't see any reason to point the finger anywhere except at 6.1. I find your adamant defense of 6.1 to be curious. Just as I strongly believe that 6.1 is the culprit, you seem to refuse to believe it could be broken in any way.
"Maybe your particular device has a hardware issue?"
Possible. But highly unlikely. My only data is the non-trivial number of people who are also posting their experience with high battery drain after taking the 6.1 update. I'm not alone; others are seeing the same issue after doing the same thing. Unless we all had simultaneous hardware failure, that seems like a red herring. Especially since nothing else is malfunctioning on the phone (for me anyway). It doesn't even seem sluggish, which leads me to think it is a background task running amok. To be clear, I'm guessing there. I'm looking for answers, I don't claim to have them.
"Maybe there is some setting or software corruption that occurred during the update process to iOS 6.1?"
Yes. But (see above) if the corruption is caused by the update process, then there is either a bug in 6.1 or a bug in the update code of 6.0.2. If there is a setting incompatibility with the 6.1 code, then that also is a failure in 6.1. Code should always be written to accommodate previously existing settings. Should be. Maybe it wasn't. Maybe that's the bug.
"Stating that iOS 6.1 itself is broken and there is no other possibility is quite an asignine train of thought, Given the millions of iOS devices out there that are working fine with the same iOS 6.1 code."
I think you just called me asinine. Well, you tried to, anyway. Very mature of you.
Millions are working fine? Did you count them yourself, or is that more supposition and guesswork? It's a serious question. What millions? Are you taking their lack of posting as an assumtion that all is well? Or are you statistically comparing the number of posters who say "Mine's OK" as compared to the number that say "Mine's Broken" and extrapolating out to millions?
"All this has been answered in the other thread. "
No, actually, all of the 'answers' I've found here (and in that other thread) so far are how to work around the problem. No mention has been made of the actual cause of the problem, or why it is happening, or anything that would be useful in understanding the problem. Yes, restoring will very likely get rid of the symptom, but not the bug. Hence the industry joke, when all else fails: "Just ask them to Re-install Windows"
"Interesting you come to these forums looking for help then refuse any possibility that there could be a resolution. DFU restore your device with fresh iOS 6.1 code and prove me wrong."
Your idea of a Resolution is different than mine. Yours is to make the problem disappear. (and you have well explained that) Mine is to understand the problem. You have not provided any help there.
Restoring my device will wipe out any chance of proving what the root cause actually is. Yes, eventually, if Apple fails to respond with a fix, or a statement, or any kind of official information, and if I fail to find helpful answers here on the forums, then I will restore. I am rather familiar with the "Restore" button in iTunes. I'd wager I used it long before you ever did.
"Or return your device if you are convinced it will never work."
At what point did I say I thought it would Never Work? That seems kinda like trying to get your money back on your car when it gets a flat tire. I'm trying to understand WHY this car's tire is flat. You are suggesting people drain their gas tanks, swap out all five wheels and tires, and then replace thir blinker fluid. Yup, that will definitely solve a flat tire.
I'm not saying your solutions won't work. I'm saying they don't answer the question. Maybe I'm the only one who cares about the root cause, and everyone else just wants their phone back, at whatever cost. Meh.