All of the invective and personal attacks being slung around by those that seem to feel the need to be apologists for Apple astounds me. Apple can get along fine without you coming to its defense with your "My Apple, right or wrong!" rhetoric.
I, like many others who happen to agree with the title of this discussion thread, "Apple maps very disappoining," have every right to voice that disappointment without being beaten down by a bunch of bullies who wish to characterize us as unloyal whiners or shills for Google and Android. The upside of this is that it has kept this thread alive since September and maybe someone at Apple will pay attention to the fact that their is some persistant opinion regarding the change.
I have been a Mac user since the original Mac Plus and have generally been pleased with Apple's products, but not everything, over the years and Apple Maps is right up there with their biggest flubs, in my opinion. Whether it is a failure to anticipate Google's intent to not relicense their maps, inept renegotiation with Google, the choice to use Tom Tom's subpar mapping data, or a total lack of recognition that long time users of the iPhone would not be happy about taking a step back in usability while they sort it all out; Apple has fundamentally missed the mark that many of us have come to expect of them.
So I guess it's time that someone return to the questions of the original poster:
Shilts9 wrote:
Having just downloaded iOS 6 I am hugely disappointed with apple maps. In the UK many town names are wrong, with some missing; roads are all the same colour; satellite image resolution is not as good as it was previously. Sure, the 3D map in London is good but it only covers an area a few square miles, so is currently more of a gimmick.
So questions i have...
1) Are others experiencing the same?
Yes, yes, yes. It appears there are a number of us even in the USA, who have had many problems with the new maps. I, for one, can't even find my own home address. Yes, my house is there in satellite view but there is no street leading up to it in the map view. And this is on a street that hasn't changed in 80 some odd years. How can I expect to find my way in unfamiliar locations with inaccuarte data like that?
2) Will it get better and if so how quickly?
Oh, it willl have to get better or Apple will go out of business, but I fear it will take quite some time for the accuracy of the data to reach the level of Google maps. In my own conversations with customer support at Tom Tom, the provider of Apple Maps data, they have indicated that, even with expedited response to complaints or corrections, it will be months to years before new maps are released. And this is in regard to upgrading their consumer products. I have no idea what kind of agreement they have with Apple or how responsive they will be to its customers.
3) Will there be a google maps app released soon?
I have no idea but I do know that it will not be integrated with IOS 6 apps like the original app, which will greatly reduce its functionality for many of us who had come to use it regularly.
And, in the words of Forrest Gump, that's all I have to say about that.
Except maybe
That Apple Maps is like a box of chocolates...