For what it's worth, here is a prior post of mine, written before all my songs were deleted. The post itself got deleted too:
Why has Apple intentionally 1) removed the iCloud icon next to individual songs; 2) made it impossible to delete a song without first turning off iTunes Match; 3) made it impossible to know what songs are actually downloaded to an iPhone when looking at the song list (unless you remember all songs in your library and can easily cross-reference by memory); and 4) made it impossible to download a single song stored in the cloud (now you have to download the entire album).
For instance, now, if I want to see if a song has been downloaded and not just cached to my iPhone, I have to look artist by artist. No longer can i just quickly view my song list to make that determination. Before, I could quickly peruse my library and see which songs had been downloaded and which were only in the cloud. Not anymore. This feature is gone. Deleted by Apple.
Another gripe: In 6.0, if I want to delete a song, I have to turn off iTunes Match before I am able to swipe to delete. Then, when I turn iTunes Match back on, I have to wait for iTunes Match to re-populate my songs. And if I want to re-download the song as opposed to streaming it to cache, I am required to download the entire album. But if I don't want the other songs that have been downloaded against my will, I have to turn iTunes Match off once again, delete the unwanted songs, and then go back to the toggle for iTunes Match, turn it on, and wait for my music to repopulate. This is moronic!!!
Was someone at Apple actually paid money to make a decision to effectively destroy the functionality of a good product? Perhaps a background check is necessary to determine whether the person is actually employed by Samsung to sabotage the iPhone. I can't think of any other explanation for what is one of the worst decisions I have seen a company make. And who at Apple decided to make the concrete grey background in the music application without providing an option to retain the IOS 5.0 color scheme? That person or group of people should be fired.
I guess I will have to cancel my iTunes Match subscription because it is totally useless to me now. How sad. It was an absolutely fantastic product that was easy to use, and convenient. Now it is cumbersome and useless.
Apple needs to fix these issues ASAP. An emergency update is in order. Heads would be rolling if Steve Jobs were alive. No, I take it back. This would not have happened on his watch. RIP Steve.