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time machine slow in 10.7.5

Since updating to 10.7.5 using the Combo updater, Time Machine on my iMac seems much slower. Anyone else seeing this behavior?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5), iMac 21.5 in.; i5; iPad 32Gb iOS 5.

Posted on Sep 21, 2012 7:23 AM

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Sep 30, 2012 11:14 AM in response to JackPot62

Unfortunately not.

I disabled Time Machine when I first had the issue and the performance 'seemed' to have returned to normal, I am not convinced after a week's use. Time Machine is slow as well.

We should keep digging though, as something may appear. In the meantime, I will keep submitting feedback to Apple in an official manner.


Sep 30, 2012 11:40 AM in response to Larry Nolan

I watched in fascination as the predicted time of a 150gb backup was up to 22,000 days and counting.

My machine had previously suspended early into the beginning of a first backup and then timemachine appeared to stall.

After cancelling and starting again the problems started.

Deleting the folder on the timemachine backup drive solved the problem,


Sep 30, 2012 11:46 AM in response to theTechnaddict

Have you disabled Spotlight using the following command?

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist

Your backups should return to normal.

When Apple sort this out, use the following command to re-enable Spotlight;

sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist


Sep 30, 2012 1:19 PM in response to Larry Nolan

Faced with one of two options really (downgrade to 10.7.4 or upgrade to ML) I decided to give ML a chance.

Under 10.7.5 SL indicated that it would take 14 days to re-index my MBA hard-disk (after diabeling it to allow TM, and re-enabeling it).

So I did this:

1) Backup my entire drive using Carbon Copy Cloner (just in case) ~ 1 hr.

2) Verified my disk using Disk Utillities (always do it before new system installation).

3) Installed ML, 10.8.1 (45 minutes).

4) Enable TM. It took about 3 hrs to update about 22 Gbytes data. Simultaneously with TM backup SL takes about 7 hours for a complete new reindexing.

Everything seems to be back to normal and the times are more or less as they were prior to 10.7.5 (finally).

>So if your machine is compatible with ML, this is one option to consider.

And YES, Apple should release a fix to this bug in 10.7.6, and FAST.


Sep 30, 2012 1:46 PM in response to Amit Meller

Amit Meller wrote:

Faced with one of two options really (downgrade to 10.7.4 or upgrade to ML) I decided to give ML a chance...

...3) Installed ML, 10.8.1 (45 minutes)...

Where did you get 10.8.1? 10.8.2 is the current version and what's offered on the App Store now. The Mountain Lion forum has its own tales of woe associated with the upgrade to 10.8.2 so it sounds like you got lucky.


Sep 30, 2012 3:28 PM in response to FatMac-MacPro

Yes - they said to restart, holding down the option key, to put the computer in recovery mode. Then click on restore from time machine. I haven't tried it yet, and obviously want to only restore the operating system. But that's what they said. 🙂


Sep 30, 2012 4:08 PM in response to J Scott Coatsworth

J Scott Coatsworth wrote:

Yes - they said to restart, holding down the option key, to put the computer in recovery mode. Then click on restore from time machine. I haven't tried it yet, and obviously want to only restore the operating system. But that's what they said. 🙂

That's the Catch-22. You can restore your computer using Time Machine to an earlier state when 10.7.4 was its OS, but that's your whole computer, not just your operating system. And if you ran the 10.7.5 update when it was first released, all the changes (probably quite a few) since then won't be present. You can then go back to more recent TM backups to restore the succeeding changes piecemeal but that might take a while. And if your TM backups aren't for the entire HD, I'm not sure how what's not been backed up but is currently on your HD is handled. For example, TM isn't reliable for virtual machine backups, which can get pretty big, so I exclude them from the TM backup. Would the current VM's still be on the HD after a restore from an earlier time? I don't know because I'm not clear if the Recovery process wipes the boot partition clean before the restore begins.


Sep 30, 2012 6:40 PM in response to NeilHobbs

Yeah same issue very slow, dissabled spotlight and I can now at least backup!

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist

One day I will be able to do this..

sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist


Sep 30, 2012 9:59 PM in response to Larry Nolan

Report from the Front:

Apple tech support reports that the engineers are aware that this is a widespread problem and are working toward a fix; they've had many reports. They're advising that restoring to 10.7.4 is an adequate fix until a patch or a 10.7.6 upgrade is issued.

Restore can be done from a time machine backup; I was instructed to restart the iMac while holding down the option key; this brings up a menu including option to launch HD recovery, which in turn offers option to restore from Time Machine. From there it's a simple step to select any recent backup under 10.7.4 --I chose one from the morning of Sept. 18, the day before 10.7.5 (and ML) were released. Restore erases the HD and reloads 10.7.4 and all abacked up data and programs.

Obviously for safety you should separately back up onto pen drive, cloud, etc., all files started or changed since that date, though I believe once the restore is completed TM will have post-10.7.5 files still accessible.

Took my machine (1 TB HD with 800 GB still free) about two hours to complete restore. Now is running on 10.7.4. Spotlight reindexed in about 1 hour, TM performed initial backup in about 2.5 hrs, and only a few minutes for two subsequent partials. So far, so good.


time machine slow in 10.7.5

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