The "pause" and "wait" does not work properly
I have a contact with a phone number, that looks like this:
And it was dialing ok with my 4s. Now I have upgraded to Iphone 5 and ios6. And the phone is dialing too slow after the comma - it makes 5 seconds delays between each number, so before it finishes dialing 123456789 the other part hangs up.
It dials 1(718)3039081 normally, delays are only after the comma. So the dialing looks like this:
1(718)3039081,1.....2.....3.....4.....5.....6.....7.....8.....9 SLOW!!
I have tried to delete this contact and create it again - no luck.
Tried to use semicolon instead of comma, and again, it dials the first part of the number ok, then "waits", untill I press the button "dial12345" and when I press it, its dialing slow again ...
When I dial this number manually using keypad everything is ok.
And I don't see what can be wrong? Am I doing something wrong? Or there is a problem with the Iphone5 or IOS6? Or is it a "new cool" feature?)
PS: also, one of the earpieces came in broken, but I guess I have to create another thread for that ...
iPhone 5, iOS 6