Virgin Australia acknowledged the problem finally.!!!!!!!!
After having all those miserable calls with each person in Vrigin customer care, Last week I sent them a mail stating that if my excess charges due to this software bug is not addressed, I will have to raise a complaint with TIO (an organisation in Australia to address telecom disputes)
I got a sweet call from one of their associates saying their technical team had contacted Apple and they have acknowledged the issue. Further excess data charges in my current bill and in future bills will be waived untill the bug is fixed.🙂🙂🙂
So if there are any Virgin Australia customers here trying to make the customer representative understand this problem, let me know. I will give you my case number which you can quote to them.
Excepts from my mail to Virgin,
"Now here is what I am expecting from Virgin as a customer who bought his phone on a contract which is still under warranty,
I would like to have the excess data usage charges waived off in account of this issue in the phone software.
Also Virgin to address this issue with Apple asap and help in resolution.
If Virgin could not provide the above mentioned resolution I will have to address it with TIO."