We're having a user (VP) experiencing this issue today, but in reverse(?!) of what I've read on this board & here http://www.tuaw.com/2012/10/04/exchange-ios-meeting-hijack-history-goes-back-wel l-before-ios/
Our setup:
Exchange 2007 SP3 UR8
User has two iDevices (iPad & iPhone 5), and Laptop w/ Outlook 2010
What happened
User received a calendar invite from an external company (Fortune 500), addressed To: 3 internal users & 3 users of the same company as the meeting organizer. Also CC'd: were 6 other users, same as meeting organizer.
Our user says he was in Outlook and accepted the meeting request. We can see in his mailbox a meeting cancelation went out to all 13 people (original organizer, 3 internal users & 10 users from external company), followed by what looks like a meeting invite from the User to all 13 people, with the user as the organizer.
The meeting cancellation notice shows in the headers
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
And the same meeting invitiation now a duplicate invitation but as the User as organizer shows it came from Outlook.
We haven't opened a ticket with Microsoft, or Apple.