New 2012 Macbook pro 15" Retina low FPS
I bought a top of the range Macbook pro 15" Retina(like 2 weeks ago), 2.6 i7, 512 SSD, 8GB 1600 RAM, nVidia GT 650M 1GB. I am tying to run battlefield 3 on bootcamp (windows 7 Utl x64) and i struggle to get above 12 FPS even on low graphic settings. If i drop the resolution i get maybe 1 or 2 extra FPS. I have run 3DMark11 and some test the FPS drop to as low as 2. I have updated the driver to the latest and even tried using an older driver with no luck. I upgraded from a mid 2011 MacBook pro 17" and did not have this. So i don't understand what is going on. Any ideas or suggestions on whether to go get the hardware checked would be really appreciated. I doubt its a hardware issue. But who knows?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, Windows 7