So I figured out the dreaded 1005f code. What I had to do:
step 1: find another mac and download a bootable drive of Maverick.
step 2: Go onto Apps and download Maverick for FREE and place the downloaded Mavericks in your Applications.
step 3: Have an external Hard drive to write the bootable disk on.
step 4: go into applications, then click utilities, and then click disk utility.
step 5: click on your external hard drive ( you are going to use to copy on) hit erase and make sure the format is Mac OS Extended (journaled). Click out after it is done.
step 4:Now you can google how to make a bootable maverick disk and get three different ways but I tried the other ways and it didnt work so.... I used disk a 3rd party site to make the bootable disk.
step 5: Download from website above (it is FREE).
step 6: Once downloaded click the program and follow the directions because it basically does everything for you.
step 7: Once it is done making a bootable disk take that lovely disk to your laptop.
step 8: start laptop and press options (alt) key down and once you see the apple let go.
step 9: the bootable disk will be shown on screen (OS X Install Disk) click it and it will bring you into loading Mavericks.
step 10: Do not hit the start button on Mavericks download screen instead look on the top of your screen in the tool bar and go to Utilities pull down bar and click Disk Utility.
step 11: Once in Disk utility (if your hard drive is not fried it should show all available drives) the first drive is your main drive so click on it. Try and hit First Aid tab and see if you can fix it that way... if not go to next step.
step 12: Click partition, this will enable you to by pass your troubled hard drive while being able to make a copy of Mavericks to log onto so you can fix the mess.
step 13: Once in partition you will notice you have another drive which is the drive you DO NOT want to partition over!! So here is what you do notice to the left it says "size" this is telling you how much space is on this drive, make sure you have enough space to move to the second partition.
step 14: Here is a link that has pictures and all that good stuff just skip the first parts until you reach the part where the link has a screen like yours then follow along.
NOTE: remember to NOT override your drive with the partition!!
step 15: Once you made a partition now you can download a fresh copy of Mavericks on it (this is to be able to get on your mac on a function OS).
step 16: Restart computer and hit option on start and download the Mavericks on the new partition you made. This will make you create a whole new username etc... don't worry your hard drive that has all your stuff is still there in the background.
step 17: You need to get a hold of a disk repair cd (Norton or whatever brand) I used Disk Warrior and it did cost a pretty penny $100 BUT it saved my expensive laptop! So once you get a copy of the CD or download and make a bootable drive run it.
NOTE: Depending on the disk repair I used Disk Warrior so I will give information on the steps I did.
step 18: Place the disk repair drive in your applications then utilities folder. Once there click on it and then click on disk utility.
step 19: Run the disk repair should recognize your drive. Once it recognizes it click on your drive and hit repair. This will the repair.... once it is done then restart computer and hold down option (alt) key again and you will notice that you have a couple of drives and Disk Warrior to choose from. Click on your drive and this should fix the problem! Please note this may NOT work for you if your drive is fried. Oh and also dont forget to back up your original drive with time machine so this will not happen again.... also, if you want to unpartition your hard drive google "how to unpartition" and directions will pop up!