How can I Totally reset messages app on OSX?
Here is what I tryed.
logged in to my guest MAC OSX account, started fresh and my messages work just fine and sync'ed with my iPhone 4S.
Logged back to my work user account (admin) and what happens is I just can't send any imessage to my iphone (on the "fresh from scratch" guest user it all worked just fine, mac to iphone, iphone to mac.. all perfect, messages showed on both) ...!?
I try sending a message from messages App on the MAC, then choose the to: field for my phone number which shows on the list with a symbol that stands for available for imessage (apple email is just the same behaviour), i then write something, press return ....and the message just doesn't show up on the conversation, nor the iphone.. and I don't get any error message!?
On the conversation pane all I see is a break line with the current time (the time the message was typed and I pressed return), but like stated no balloon (or square, etc..) with my message inside.
This kinda points to some freak error on my user account ...
So I de-active the account on the preferences on the messages app, log out, quit app..
Then Finder/user/library/ pref... searched for any files with "message" and deleted all these preferences files..
back on Finder/user/library/Messages i delete all attachments/ archive of old conversations and the database (.db) file ..
Secure Empty trash 'till it's clean ..
Iphone Setting/general/messages/ turn off iMessage (and yes I choose apple ID here)
Reboot my macbook pro
Open Messages, reconfigure like before on the guest user (and on the regular user for that matter).
Prob still stands ...
On the iphone front I can send imessages to myself or any one with iphone no problem.. just nothing shows up on the MAC!!
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), works on guest user with fresh conf