If Spotlight still slow after applying 10.7.5 Supplemental Update
In my case, after applying 10.7.5 Supplemental Update and restarting Spotlight was slow: it startred well, but after a few minutes in the console I still had "mdworker cannot talk to lsboxd" messages and all mds, mdworker processes were at 0% cpu usage in Activity Monitor.
What I did was to "clean things up" in order to remove cruft from the previous faulty infrastructure and start realle afresh, so I
- Deactivated spotlight from the command line (sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist)
- Removed the spotlight index (sudo rm -rif /.Spotlight-V100 be careful to type this correctly, otherwise you risk to delete your whole boot partition)
- Quit all applications, removed the /var/folders directory (this is only caches and temporary files, you can actually only remove the spotlight and sandbox related ones), rebooted immediately.
- Reactivated spotlight from the command line (sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist).
Spotlight started working immediately and in about 2 hours it indexed a drive with 500 Gb data, some quite rich (40 Gb of a PDF/PS library, lots of music and pics, several millions of lines of source code).
I did not have to restart in Safe Mode - which was a blessing since I am using FV2 and Safe Mode is thus disabled. I haven't checked Time Machine yet.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), Late 2011 15", 8Gb RAM, 750Gb HDD.