Carbonite for Mac (Version 1.x) installs at the following locations:
/Library/Application Support/Carbonite [folder]
/Library/Contextual Menu Items/CarboniteCMM.bundle
[there is also a user-preference file in ~/Library/Preferences but it is not an active file. I would advise keeping this (very small in size) file b/c it contains account information that might be useful later (such as username for Carbonite account & backup serial number)]
In order to delete (/uninstall) the Carbonite app, it's best to first disable it (see command below), then delete the individual files/folders that make up the app.
1.) Open Terminal App
2.) Type in the following:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.carbonite.launchd.carbonitedaemon.plist
3.) It will then prompt for your Mac password. You won't see the icon move as you're typing in the password, but don't worry, if you typed it in wrong, just hit enter then try it again.
4.) Delete *all* the Carbonite app files in the list above
5.) Reboot the computer
(btw - the command in step two only disables the software until the next reboot/restart)