Retina Display MacBook Pro eye problem and strain
Hi, the name is Ben
Recently, I boought a retina display and have since been having noticeable eye problem.
(strain, fatigue, oversensativity to computer monitor/screen ligthing)
My question was, has anyone been experiencing the same.
I use my computer pretty much all day, since my work/studies are all based on it.
Still, after 2 weeks of using retina display macbook pro, I have rapidely seen my eyes
starting to hurt, being oversensitive to computer monitor (not that I can't use any, but am
very sensitive to any lighting and need particular moderation in usage)
Now true, there ARE many good habits I did not know of before,(see some examples below)
that I am trying to adopt but still (reducing only in part the problem), I must say I am rather worried,
since I have never had any similar problem in 5 yearsof using my previous 13", macbook, mid 2007.
Any commments, or suggestion (constructive of course) would be welcome.
(few examples of of good habits I have tried so far)
as regularly standing (/30 min),
look at something far away for 20 second (/20 min), blinking regularly, closing eyes for a moment,
adjusting lighting in work environnement, buying an antiglare film or device (nushield) , adjusting screen position,
not working to close to screen, using bigger fonts