I've also noticed that the screensaver works with iTunes operational and the screensvaer timer is set to one or two minutes. Anything more and it doesn't work. Therefore just in case there is a difference, here it is set for 2 minutes:
21/10/2012 14:17:04 GMT+
Assertion status system-wide:
PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep 0
PreventSystemSleep 0
PreventUserIdleSystemSleep 0
ExternalMedia 1
DisableLowPowerBatteryWarnings 0
UserIsActive 0
ApplePushServiceTask 0
BackgroundTask 0
Listed by owning process:
pid 29(powerd): [0x000000090000012c] 03:35:34 ExternalMedia named: "com.apple.powermanagement.externalmediamounted"
Kernel Assertions: 0x0140
* Kernel Assertion ID = 500
Created At = 01/01/1970 10:03:51 GMT+
Modified At = 21/10/2012 14:01:26 GMT+
Owner ID = 0xffffff8015f32c00
Level = 0
Assertions Set = None (32)
* Kernel Assertion ID = 501
Created At = 01/01/1970 10:03:51 GMT+
Modified At = 21/10/2012 10:53:45 GMT+
Owner ID = 0xffffff8015ef1000
Level = 255
Assertions Set = None (4)
* Kernel Assertion ID = 502
Created At = 01/01/1970 10:03:52 GMT+
Modified At = 21/10/2012 14:22:44 GMT+
Owner ID = 0xffffff8015efc000
Level = 255
Assertions Set = None (4)
* Kernel Assertion ID = 503
Created At = 21/10/2012 10:43:56 GMT+
Modified At = 01/01/1970 10:00:00 GMT+
Owner ID = 0xffffff8016e7dc00
Level = 255
Assertions Set = None (8)
* Kernel Assertion ID = 504
Created At = 21/10/2012 10:50:04 GMT+
Modified At = 01/01/1970 10:00:00 GMT+
Owner ID = 0xffffff8017130c00
Level = 255
Assertions Set = None (8)
* Kernel Assertion ID = 505
Created At = 21/10/2012 14:15:51 GMT+
Modified At = 01/01/1970 10:00:00 GMT+
Owner ID = 0xffffff8015ff8d00
Level = 255
Assertions Set = None (128)
...and here it is when set for five minutes:
21/10/2012 14:19:07 GMT+
Assertion status system-wide:
PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep 0
PreventSystemSleep 0
PreventUserIdleSystemSleep 0
ExternalMedia 1
DisableLowPowerBatteryWarnings 0
UserIsActive 0
ApplePushServiceTask 0
BackgroundTask 0
Listed by owning process:
pid 29(powerd): [0x000000090000012c] 03:37:36 ExternalMedia named: "com.apple.powermanagement.externalmediamounted"
Kernel Assertions: 0x0140
* Kernel Assertion ID = 500
Created At = 01/01/1970 10:03:51 GMT+
Modified At = 21/10/2012 14:01:26 GMT+
Owner ID = 0xffffff8015f32c00
Level = 0
Assertions Set = None (32)
* Kernel Assertion ID = 501
Created At = 01/01/1970 10:03:51 GMT+
Modified At = 21/10/2012 10:53:45 GMT+
Owner ID = 0xffffff8015ef1000
Level = 255
Assertions Set = None (4)
* Kernel Assertion ID = 502
Created At = 01/01/1970 10:03:52 GMT+
Modified At = 21/10/2012 14:22:44 GMT+
Owner ID = 0xffffff8015efc000
Level = 255
Assertions Set = None (4)
* Kernel Assertion ID = 503
Created At = 21/10/2012 10:43:56 GMT+
Modified At = 01/01/1970 10:00:00 GMT+
Owner ID = 0xffffff8016e7dc00
Level = 255
Assertions Set = None (8)
* Kernel Assertion ID = 504
Created At = 21/10/2012 10:50:04 GMT+
Modified At = 01/01/1970 10:00:00 GMT+
Owner ID = 0xffffff8017130c00
Level = 255
Assertions Set = None (8)
* Kernel Assertion ID = 506
Created At = 21/10/2012 14:25:37 GMT+
Modified At = 01/01/1970 10:00:00 GMT+
Owner ID = 0xffffff8015ff8d00
Level = 255
Assertions Set = None (128)