Logic Pro - Massive response delay / freeze in mountain lion
hi there, ive read quite a lot of people are having problems with Logic in ML on other forums and wondered if anyone knows if theres an accepted problem with Logic 9.1.7 in ML?
My problem seems to relate to the graphical interfaces of logics naitive plugins (mostle chain eq) but isnt alway restricted to these. This problem is not 100% repetitive but often enough that i now dont trust Logic in ML.
Typically what i experiemnce is that when im in Chain EQ with analyse switched on, the track continies to play but the functions within eq and any other command within logic dont respond. I continiue to see the analyser moving with the music, the transport window moves with the track, just wont stop the track etc.
After between 30 - 90 second is usually catches up, and the track stops. But today in space designer, it did it to the point where i had to force close the program losing a ton of progress on a track.
Reading oter peoples post, this isnt a hardware issue, theres a myriad of users with 20+gb ram on massive systems which have this problem. Im on a 17inch 2010 mbp i7 w/8gb ram.
This didnt happen in Lion, and nothing in my setup has changed. Ive done a full reinstall and that doesnt make a sidderence.
This needs addressing. ML is great but its now interfering with what i need to do.
And no, Logic X isnt the answer, Logic 9 needs this bug fixing properly.