touch -t can change the creation date, but it can only set backward, not forward.
Here is a AppleScript that uses the class NSFileManager from the Foundation framework to change the file's creation date.
-- this script set the creation date of each file to the file's modification date
-- When the dialog will appear, just select the files whose creation date is incorrect.
set pathErr to getFiles()
if pathErr is not "" then -- if error on some file
display dialog "Done, but the creation date of some files have not been changed"
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document at end of documents with properties {text:(" The creation date of these files have not been changed :" & pathErr)}
end tell
display dialog "The creation date of all the files have been changed."
end if
on getFiles()
script o
property tFiles : {}
end script
set o's tFiles to choose file with multiple selections allowed without invisibles
set t to ""
set tError to ""
set tc to count o's tFiles
repeat with i from 1 to tc
set t to t & " " & quoted form of POSIX path of (item i of o's tFiles)
if (i mod 250) = 0 or i = tc then -- 250 files sent to the shell to not exceed the limit of characters.
set r to my setCreationDateToModDate(t)
if r is not "" then set tError to tError & return & r
set t to ""
end if
end repeat
return tError
end getFiles
on setCreationDateToModDate(theseFiles)
do shell script "/usr/bin/env python -c 'import os, sys
from Foundation import NSFileManager
df = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
for i in range( 1, nbr ):
f = sys.argv[i]
my_dict, error = df.attributesOfItemAtPath_error_(f, None)
if error is None:
mDate = my_dict.fileModificationDate()
cDateDict = {\"NSFileCreationDate\":mDate}
b, error = df.setAttributes_ofItemAtPath_error_(cDateDict , f, None)
if not b: print f' " & theseFiles
end setCreationDateToModDate
Works on OS X 10.5.x or newer.