You seem to be very knowledgable about this process. My Aunt gave me an iphone 4 my Uncle no longer uses. It was supposed to be unlocked... but no one is sure that this was taken care of. The phone is still on AT&T service because his contract isn't up yet. I called AT&T... but the guy I talked to said he could not verify if it was unlocked on not over the phone... that I would have to do an online request. If it was unlocked, I would get a message that said it was already unlocked.
In order to do that email, I have to have a lot of personal info from my Aunt. I am trying not to bug her with all this.
I put in my SIM card from StraightTalk into my Uncle's phone... and it worked. I could call from the phone. It didn't ask for a code or anything. The guy from AT&T said that IF the SIM card from StraightTalk worked, then the phone was "probably" unlocked.
How can I know for sure? We want to take this phone overseas to use it there. I don't want to arrive over there only to discover it doesn't work.
Thanks for your help!