(NSURLErrorDomain error -3001.)(102)
Dear Web Master
I can't update my OS and have the error msg (NSURLErrorDomain error -3001.)(102)
Is that my conction problem or the OS problem?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion
Dear Web Master
I can't update my OS and have the error msg (NSURLErrorDomain error -3001.)(102)
Is that my conction problem or the OS problem?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion
also getting the error here since yesterday evening, it isn't working yet!
It is a bad thing and I really don't feel happy with Apple going "the windows" way like this, I really hope they get their act together and start being equel to quality again. The last months is an addition of errors and faults like this.
Steve I miss you !!!!!
This problem is due to an issue on Apple's end. What that problem is is unclear, but when the same thing happened a month or so ago, one expert I know of was theorizing that it may have been a denial-of-service attack on Apple's servers.
In any case, there's only one thing you can do to solve the problem: wait. Give it a couple days and check for updates again.
Well, solved it by downloading through the download webpage, so all is good again, but it's these kind of little annoyances that frustrates me as an Apple user, our whole family bought Apple products (my fault :-) ) because I told them they are easy to use and it just works, we use facetime a lot to communicate with eachother and it also had some glitches the last week...
I am still a confident user :-) and wouldn't dream of moving to something else!
I've got this message as well, manage to fix the safari side of things by downloading manually as there was link posted in one of the forums, but not having the same luck with iPhoto!
Hi man, Do you have the page link from where you've made the download?
Here you go mate, it's only for Safari though, doesn't include iPhoto update
Thanks a lot, man!
I just did it here : http://support.apple.com/downloads/
but it could be that you have to select support downloads in other languages and choose US
I have the same issue and spent half an hour with Apple Care on the phone, I got passed to a senior Techy who said it was an issue at their end and they are on with a fix.
They said try again in a couple of days....
I just used the link suggested by AbhinkP, above and it worked fine! Why wait?
Here you go mate, it's only for Safari though, doesn't include iPhoto update
Becasue it doesn't fix iPhoto....
True, but in my case the iPhoto update worked, sorry!
Ah, I have done the update using the link below.. but i cant update iphoto still...
Here you go mate, it's only for Safari though, doesn't include iPhoto update
I am not 100% sure about this, but a few days ago I had a similar issue with iPhoto and iMovie on new iMac27" with dual HDD and the sugestion from an Apple Genius was to delete the App and redowload it from the App store, since they will have the latest version available it makes sense.
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(NSURLErrorDomain error -3001.)(102)