OS X 10.8.2: Disable screensaver at login screen?
Is it possible to change or disable (preferred) the screensaver at the login screen? It´s easy to change or disable the screensaver when you are logged in but that's a user defined setting for screensaver not systemwide. There is no system setting to disable or change the screensaver before any user has logged in (systemwide).
This is a serious problem in virtual environments (Parallels Server, VMware ESXi/vSphere etc). The OS X virtual machine starts the screensaver when no user is logged in after a few minutes. The problem is that the OS X virtual machine uses a lot more CPU resources and power in idle state when the system default screensaver Flurry starts (CPU intensive). About ten times more CPU resources compared to when the screensaver is not active. 😟
I think the ScreenSaver.framework in /System/Library/Frameworks/ has something do with it. But I am stuck.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)