I'm trying to get on board your train of fans, but my MBP won't punch my ticket. I tried posting this fix on Instagram for a Karma boost, but still nothing.
I have tried this a dozen times and tried the PRAM trick. Both went as described, but neither worked. If anything I would say the problem is much worse. This is my fourth time leaving this comment because the page freezes. Also I am now typing faster than the letters appear (I'm not fast).
I have a 13" MBP from 2011, OSX 10.9.2, 4GB DDR, 2.3GHz i7, and 300GB free of my 500GB HD.
Though it's newer, this computer has been my secondary computer behind my iMac (circa 2009?) because leopard runs like a champ! This isn't right
Obviously I am blaming mtn lion. When I installed it it messed up my creative suite and iPhoto so bad I had to delete both and reinstall both (My pictures from before the upgrade still won't open). This is also when my computer became slower, and got demoted to just being my FFB computer which it now can't do either.
In my PC days I'd try a reformat. Is that possible or a good idea with a mac? I'm hesitant to invest more money in this disappointment, but is a new HDD the answer?
Please help. Thanks!