Can I install Adobe InDesign CS5 on a Power Mac G5 running OS 10.5.8?
Can I install Adobe InDesign CS5 on a Power Mac G5 running OS 10.5.8?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iMovie HD
Can I install Adobe InDesign CS5 on a Power Mac G5 running OS 10.5.8?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iMovie HD
It needs an Intel Mac, so you can't install InDesign on your Power Mac
It needs an Intel Mac, so you can't install InDesign on your Power Mac
InDesign CS4 will no longer open files. I get an error message that says I should update the plug-ins (or updgrade to CS5, which I can't do). How do I upgrade the plug-ins?
InDesign CS4 will no longer open files. I get an error message that says I should update the plug-ins (or updgrade to CS5, which I can't do). How do I upgrade the plug-ins?
InDesign CS4 will no longer open files. I get an error message that says I should update the plug-ins (or updgrade to CS5, which I can't do). How do I upgrade the plug-ins?
first thing to try is reset InDesign:
delete the preference file located here:
system > users > home folder > library > peferences > com.adobe.InDesign.plist
then repair the hard drive:
shut down the Mac
restart - then press shift key immediately after the chime
keep pressing shift untill the Apple logo appears
let the Mac boot to the desktop - it will take longer to boot as it is repairing the hard drive
when desktop appears, restart the Mac normally
Thanks. Actually I reinstalled InDesign and that solved the problem.
Can I install Adobe InDesign CS5 on a Power Mac G5 running OS 10.5.8?