Joseph Delaney wrote:
Good point - iTunes DJ did have a "randomness" setting, and that's gone now. But it didn't match tempos, all it did was prevent a recently-played artist from coming up again too soon. There are some 3rd-party tools to build playlists based on tempo - iTunes never did that on its own. So yes, that was your imagination (a natural tendency to find patterns).
Not so much 'match tempos' as use Genius data to group complimentary songs together. It could have been blind luck, but as someone with 2+ decades producing music I feel confident in finding many examples of stylistically similar songs being grouped together to think it was an algorithm at work.
Joseph Delaney wrote:
Turn on the "Column Browser" in the "songs" view. Double click anywhere that you see the word "All..." No more conscious decisions needed.
Yes, that works.
I created a Smart Playlist with Live Updating and criteria of Media Type = Music and that seems to be working fine for me for now. Clunky to have to press a button to see history, but it's better than nothing.
I just wish Apple would simply create some tutorials to say "hey, we replaced this feature with a different one so if you miss the old stuff here are some tips". Somewhat related, but I can't count the number of people I deal with who have no idea the Preview app is an extremely versatile PDF editor simply because Apple doesn't promote the features to "Joe User".