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64-bit version of Quicktime for Windows

I'm running 64-bit version of Windows 7 via bootcamp. I'm running 64-bit version of Microsoft Office 2010. I have the latest version of Quicktime installed 7.7.3 something. I can play the file on the desktop no problem, but when I try to insert the file into Powerpoint or play a file that I inserted previously into Powerpoint on a different system, it says either Quicktime unavailable or you need a 64-bit version of Quicktime in order to insert the file.

So, exactly where is a 64-bit version of Quicktime for Windows because apparently the one on the Apple website for Windows is not 64-bit. Everyone keeps saying download the 64-bit version of Quicktime. Great, tell me where it is. There is no option for 64-bit on the website. It doesn't even say it is 64-bit. It just says its compatible with Windows 7. Powerpoint 2010 64-bit MUST have a 64-bit version of Quicktime in order to insert or play any Quicktime file. The OS doesn't give a rats @ss one way or the other.

The file I previously inserted was playing on a system that apparently had a 32-bit version of Powerpoint installed. That machine defaults to VLC player on the desktop. It has no issues with the file. It's the Quicktime Player mismatch on my machine that is giving me grief. If I knew Office was going to be a PITA if I installed the 64-bit version I would have stuck with the 32-bit version.

Ideas? Where is the 64-bit version? How do you tell it is 64-bit? How do you force the installer to make sure it ONLY installs a 64-bit version of it?

Posted on Nov 29, 2012 12:08 PM

11 replies
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Mar 14, 2014 7:30 AM in response to bjones306

If Microsoft merely off their own decided that only a 64-bit version of QuickTime was going to be supported by them and did not both checking such a beast existed then this is perfectly believable behavior on the part of Microsoft and they should roast in **** for it.

If Apple led Microsoft to believe that a 64-bit version of QuickTime was going to be released like a 64-bit version of iTunes for Windows has been released but then backed out then this is equally believeable behaviour on the part of Apple and then equally the guilty parties at Apple should roast in ****.

It should be noted that the 64-bit version of iTunes is able to play videos via the 32-bit version of QuickTime. This suggests Microsoft programmers are weak with the force. 🙂 This would tend to support my theory that Microsoft despite being the biggest software company in the world are better at making hardware than software. 🙂

Moving on to trying to be more constructive…

Clearly as things stand using the existing and only official version of QuickTime for Windows which is 32-bit only is not going to work in 64-bit Office. It might therefore be worth looking at trying the following.

  1. Uninstall completely Apple's 32-bit QuickTime for Windows (if installed currently)
  2. Install QuickTime Alternative - see http://www.free-codecs.com/download/QuickTime_Alternative.htm

I have no idea if QuickTime Alternative is 64-bit, I have no idea if it will work in 64-bit Office even if it is 64-bit. However it does work in Internet Explorer for Windows, it is free and therefore will cost you nothing to try. If it does not work you can then always uninstall it.

As another even more abtruse solution, you could try loading your PowerPoint file in to the free iWorks i.e. KeyNote via a free iCloud account. It will allow importing PowerPoint files and will even work in Internet Explorer.


Dec 2, 2012 5:18 PM in response to pmiles

Everyone keeps saying download the 64-bit version of Quicktime. Great, tell me where it is.

There is no 64-bit version of QuickTime for Windows available from Apple. (On 64-bit system the 32-bit QuickTime player and other componentry runs through your windows-on-Windows-64 OS subsystem.)


Dec 2, 2012 5:31 PM in response to b noir

I blame Microsoft on this one. Their 32-bit version of Office has zero problems running the media, it's their 64-bit version that refuses to handle it for no other reason than it was written to only use a 64-bit version... which they know doesn't exist.


Jan 15, 2014 8:44 AM in response to pmiles

It is odd that a 64bit application would ask for a software that doesn't exist. The idea that you need a 64bit version of quicktime is strange because Adobe Premiere (on windows) is also 64bit and seems to work with the 32bit Implementation of Quicktime.

To be honest a lot of software can be messy like this (for example itunes64 on windows is not really 64bit at all but 32bit)..

So to blame microsoft is incorrect - its not their responsibility to make a 64bit quicktime codec. Apple should really create a 64bit tunnel that interfaces to the 32bit codec.

To be honest, Apple are known for their total lack of interoperability and in this case (since I would guess that a lot of their software isn't true 64bit yet - like itunes) - I would blame them.

Adobe had to create their own interface for Premiere and After Effects which are both heavily reliant on Quicktime (if you use Apple format videos). Again, it shouldn't really be there responsibility to work around the deficiencies of Apple's deficient format.

Sorry it's not the place to mention how bad quicktime actually is, but then you can always go and find out yourself if you're not totally indoctrinated by the marketing lies..


Jan 15, 2014 11:57 AM in response to Mrpras

I'm sorry, but you are incorrect. It is not Apple's responsibility to write something that doesn't exist. Microsoft wrote their application to ONLY SUPPORT a version that they KNOW doesn't exist. The fact that other software developers are "keen" to this fact and write their software to use the 32-bit version because it's the only one that exists doesn't change the fact that this is a Microsoft issue. Microsoft needs to fix their 64-bit version to either use 32-bit Quicktime or not use Quicktime at all. To have Quicktime functionality in their 32-bit version but not in their 64-bit version is absurd when they say it supports the Quicktime codec... yeah, maybe in some far distant future, but not today. Microsoft owns this one, plain and simple.


Jan 15, 2014 2:12 PM in response to pmiles

Well, talking in absolutes shows you have very weak reasoning skills. There is not a simple right and wrong but that's fine..

Secondly, as I mentioned - the idea that a 64bit software needs 64bit specific versions of plugins is not rocket science - that's computing for you. Microsoft didn't dictate that.

Thirdly, as I said - Quicktime is the most incompatible closed piece of **** "protocol" out there. It only supports things that Apple want it to (which is barely anything compared to other more open formats - even the evil microsoft ones haha).. But you clearly know nothing about that.

The FACTS (as opposed to opinions and conjecture) is that to NOT HAVE 64BIT compatibility with Quicktime is the fault of APPLE not having a 64BIT version. Simple man, why should every different software manufacturer out there provide their own unique compatibility plugin for a software that is out-dated..

But of course - no real information will change your mind because you want to blame microsoft..

Powerpoint was updated for 64bit and because there is no 64bit version of quicktime it doesn't work. Microsoft shouldn't have said - go get 64bit quicktime - but then they probably assumed that apple would be doing it's job properly and update their software.

Casing point (as already mentioned) Itunes, no 64bit version - they made a FAKE 64bit app.

I'm clearly talking to a person who thinks of their own opinions as facts though.. Jeez..


Jan 16, 2014 8:28 AM in response to Mrpras

You clearly have a beef with Quicktime... fine. My question wasn't about the suitability of Quicktime, mine was merely about where the 64-bit version of the app was since Microsoft's own help system for their 64-bit version of Office clearly states that it requires a 64-bit version of it. You do not ask your customers to seek out plugins that do not exist, or better stated, should not.

Fact is, Quicktime doesn't run internally in the 64-bit version of Office. Not an opinion, clear unadulterated fact.

Fact is, their own documentation says that it does support Quicktime. Not an opinion, clear unadulterated fact.

Fact is, it requires a 64-bit version of the app. Not an opinion, clear unadultered fact.

Fact is, Microsoft wrote the application. Not an opinion, clear unadultered fact.

If there was a 64-bit version of Quicktime and it didn't function in the 64-bit version, that could be put on Apple.

If they attempted to make their 64-bit version of Office run the 32-bit version of Quicktime, and it didn't function, that could be put on Apple.

Neither is the case.

It would delusional to blame anyone but Microsoft for this since they created the situation, claimed that it does work, but only if you happen to have some piece software that doesn't exist.

Twist it any way you like but Apple isn't the one who wrote Office, nor it's documentation, Microsoft did. Simply stating that 64-bit Office DOESN'T support Quicktime would have resolved this. But no, instead, they still state that it supports Quicktime. No where does it state it CAN support Quicktime should a 64-bit version be released.

Please don't reply to this thread because you are not adding to the discussion, derailing it.


Mar 8, 2014 8:11 PM in response to pmiles

I'm with pmiles on this one. It is total insanity of the sort only Microsoft could muster that they would make a version of the most commonly used presentation program in the world (powerpoint) that can't play one of the most commonly used file formats for videos (quicktime). And in addition to not bothering to put a huge bold face red text warning when you install saying "If you install 64-bit office you won't be able to ever reuse any of your powerpoints with quicktime movies in them!", they don't even bother to put a useful message in the error they give you when their software fails to play your movie. Whose "fault" it is programmer-wise is irrelevant, You can't make a presentation program that doesn't play quicktime movies and expect people not to hate you. It is insane. That's like making a browser that play flash... oh wait I know another company that did that 😉


Mar 13, 2014 2:17 PM in response to InfiniteWorld

Just a simple thought here.... but maybe you could just convert the video format?? 🙂 I mean come on guys.... regardless of your love for the fruit, it is more than a bit rediculous that apple hasn't done a 64bit version of quicktime at this point. In 2008 you may have had an excuse for this, but 2014?? Really? Sad fact of the matter is, Apple is always slow to update any software that isn't running in the Apple environment. It's always been this way, and certainly isn't going to change anytime soon. It's the same old ploy to sell thier own products first and foremost. I don't blame them for this tactic.... It's just business. Case in point, just look at how Itunes is STILL as buggy as it is in the windows environment. But in this case.... if it's REALLY bothering you that bad...... just convert the video format and get on with your life..... done. 🙂


Mar 13, 2014 2:48 PM in response to pmiles

And just to reply to your point.... have you considered that maybe Apple claimed to microsoft that they were in development on a 64bit version and that's why microsoft went ahead with making powerpoint exclusive? Wouldn't be the first time something like that had happened. So before you go pointing the finger at any company, you may want to consider what might be going on behind the scenes. Again, to not have a 64bit version of any app at this point is pretty sad....... And Apple is more than natorious for making thier software troublesome when not running within the apple-centric environment. Again.... just convert the video and be done with it....


64-bit version of Quicktime for Windows

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