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New iTunes 11 & Apple TV firmware don't play music reliably

I just updated to iTunes 11 and my Apple TV2 to firmware the new 5.1.1.

Now when I try to play music from my homesharing library on the Apple TV it stops playing after a couple of songs. I find I have to restart the ATV & iTunes on my iMac because if I simply try to start replaying it trys to load my library for an eternity. When I do get it started again it only lasts a short time before stopping again.

Prior to the updates it had been working perfectly. I have everything connected via WiFi on my Airport Extreme.

Is anyone else having this problem also (buggy iTunes 11 or ATV firmware Apple?) or can someone suggest a fix? My perfectly usable & awesome music system has now become useless! 😟

AppleTV 2, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

Posted on Nov 30, 2012 1:50 PM

35 replies

Dec 2, 2012 6:19 AM in response to NathanG2

I have the same problem too; after upgrading to iTunes 11 and the latest ATV firmware upgrade, video keeps stopping after every few minutes, sometimes more, sometimes less. Using iPad as a remote takes pure luck to reconnect, whilst playing the video again from within iTunes and sending it via airplay to the ATV will work immediately, but the stop-and-go issue remains unresolved. Is this what happens now to apple updates? Apple is now starting to look like Microsoft without Steve Jobs? I hesitate to upgrade Apple software now with the map problems on the iPhone and now ATV...

Dec 2, 2012 2:19 PM in response to rvashko

Well, I would put it differently. The disconnect on sleep issue is a repeatable event for many people who have updated and it is mentioned all over the web. Obviously there are other issues as well that other users are experiencing but they do not seem to have anything in common as far as I can tell; they are just general cut outs. So we have one repeatable bug—the sleep issue—and other random issues that also need to be fixed.

Dec 3, 2012 1:14 AM in response to Veldkamp

This solution works perfectly for me, but still waiting for Apple to release a patch!

alasta22 Wellington, New Zealand

From my observation when the dropouts occur my Macbook Pro is not in 'sleep' as such (i.e. the front LED is not blinking), but it has gone into a suspense mode where the display has gone blank and the user password is required to regain access.

Despite the fact that that the machine does not appear to be in sleep mode I have found that going to system preferences and setting the 'computer sleep' option to 'never' is an effective temporary solution to this problem (see below).

When I was using the previous version of iTunes it would never allow the machine to go to sleep when the Apple TV was accessing the shared library. It appears as if the new iTunes has introduced a bug whereby the system thinks it's going to sleep and cuts off the shared library access as a result.

User uploaded file

Dec 5, 2012 6:06 AM in response to NathanG2

I have the sames problem when streaming to ATV, iTunes11 no longer suspends the system sleep function. I've found the easiest way around it is to play music simultaneously ( muted) on the host system.

A larger worry for me is resource hogging or leakage on windows machines running the program.

I've also had some problems with media types changing after the upgrade I.e podcasts now in my music library, and being unable to restore them to the podcast library.

I haven't tried any syncs yet so have no info. On the whole I like the new interface and its related remote app. I'm not sure why the remote app does not show tracks in order anymore, but will however play them in track number order.

I'm sure all these issues will be sorted out soon, but apple does seem to be having problems with the QA side of their software at the moment.

Dec 5, 2012 9:08 PM in response to alasta22

Hi, I did some experimenting and it does seem to be a computer sleep issue as you suggest. I set the computer to sleep after 1 minute and sure enough the ATV dropped out after 1 minutes, same for 3 minutes & 5 minutes. Set to "never" and so far no drop outs. I'll just have to remember to put the computer to sleep when I'm not using it until a real fix comes.

Apparently Apple are aware of this and will be issuig an update soon (if you believe the link below!) Although it doesn't talk directly about our problem it looks like the same sort of thing.

http://www.macrumors.com/2012/12/05/upcoming-itunes-11-update-to-restore-duplica te-search-fix-album-art-and-movie-streaming-bugs/

Dec 13, 2012 6:15 PM in response to NathanG2

Thank you alasta 22 for providing a solution. You should work for Apple. I'm really peeved at Apple. I placed 4 different calls to Apple Care about this issue. No help at all. I even spook to an engineer who said "there is no trending on this issue"; maybe she should read this blog. She suggested I run a channel scanner for my wi-fi because I may have picked up interference from other local networks. It's really a sad state of business when an Apple user has to provide a solution affecting so many users that should have been caught during testing. Another Apple Care person instructed me to take my ATV to an Apple store and have it tested; they gave me a new one; then I traded out my modem and wireless router......not a hardware problem. Well that only leaves software. Shame on you Apple.....come on....get it together.

New iTunes 11 & Apple TV firmware don't play music reliably

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