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uninstall itunes 11? from my mac book pro.

How can uninstall itunes v.11 on my computer to install old itunes vercion 10 ...?

No way of syncing with my 1Generation Apple TV!

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iphoto problem

Posted on Dec 3, 2012 7:51 PM

7 replies
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Dec 3, 2012 7:55 PM in response to Yerege

=Downgrading from iTunes 11 to iTunes 10.7=

You may be able to go back with Time Machine but this may involve restoring other items too (https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4554293?answerId=20441404022#20441404022). Alternatively:

Back up your computer first, in case the unexpected happens.

Quit iTunes.

Get iTunes 10.7 from http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1576 or the direct download link at: http://appldnld.apple.com/iTunes10/041-7195.20120912.d3uzQ/iTunes10.7.dmg

Do a few preparatory steps by making sure all iTunes components are not running and cleaning old files. See https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4557266?answerId=20475394022#20475394022. Do steps 3 and 4. Steps 6-8 may be also useful but I don't know if they are essential. Some of the other steps are not necessary, duplicate steps listed later in my post or are perhaps even unhelpful in the process.

Replace the iTunes 11 application with iTunes 10.7. Simply dragging the application to the trash may not work. Lion (OSX 10.7) and newer systems have iTunes integrated into the operating system and deleting is a bit more involved. Two ways to do this are:

1. Use the shareware Pacifist utility (http://www.charlessoft.com/) to install iTunes 10.7 including all associated system files. Details at http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=16400819&postcount=6

2. Check this reference on how to delete the iTunes application itself:

Delete iTunes in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion - http://osxdaily.com/2011/09/13/delete-itunes-in-mac-os-x-10-7-lion/

After deleting the application there may be other files that need downgrading too. See the note about error -42408 at the end of this post. You may want to tuck these away somewhere safe until you have completed the installation of iTunes 10.7. I have not tested this but ideally if newer versions are not found then the installer will put in the old versions. This may include these files in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ which apparently get updated by iTunes 11:


After doing one of the two procedures above you will have to rescue the most recent old iTunes library from your iTunes > Previous Libraries folder. Rename it "iTunes Library.itl" and replace the existing one in the iTunes folder. A newer version of iTunes irreversibly updates your library file so you have to replace it with the old one or you will get an error message. Note, this will revert your library to the version at the time of the upgrade and you will have to update any changes made since. See:

https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4544824?answerId=20401436022#20401436022 - turingtest2 11/2012 post on rebuilding empty/corrupt library from previous iTunes library file after upgrade/crash.

iTunes: How to re-create your iTunes library and playlists - http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1451

Other issues:
- https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4553961?answerId=20432309022#20432309022 - solution to mobile devices saying they need to be restored after downgrading

- If you encounter error -42408:

iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting - http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3297 > Specific Conditions and Alert Messages: (Mac OS X / Windows) - including specific error codes.

Alternatively, check https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4556384?answerId=20441424022#20441424022 which requires you have a Time Machine backup (though possibly if you remove the newer version of these files old ones may be installed with the iTunes 10.7 installer - untested). A variant of this is at: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4555626?answerId=20448184022#20448184022

- Persistent "Show in iTunes Store" arrows after downgrade - https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4567064


Dec 20, 2012 6:47 AM in response to Yerege

In my estimation, THIS is the "cleanest" Apple Support Communities thread offering the *BEST* WORKING solution(s) to the problem of how to UNINSTALL iTunes 11 and REINSTALL a working copy iTunes 10.7.

Linmos (above) really hits the nail on the head in providing a highly detailed working explination including a few other quality Apple Support Communies posts. So, if that's the case, why bother posting? Simple...this is a challenging fix with significant end user confusion as evidenced in SEVERAL threads here and on several other Apple support related websites. My effort here is to lend my voice to Linmos' above in saying this is indeed a WORKING solution, and also to help simplify and streamline that explination a little, as well...

STEP 1: Remove iTunes 11 from your Mac. For reasons unknown, Apple removed KB Article HT1224 previously available from < http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1224 >, but thanks to the Wayback Machine we have < http://web.archive.org/web/20110521123131/http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1224 >

Apple Computer wrote (in KB Article HT1224):

Removing iTunes for Mac OS X

  • Last Modified: September 09, 2010
  • Article: HT1224


Learn how to completely uninstall iTunes from your Mac.

Products Affected

iTunes 8 for Mac, iTunes 9 for Mac, iTunes 7 for Mac
To uninstall iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components from your Windows PC, see this article for Windows Vista and Windows 7, or this article for Windows XP.

Completely Remove iTunes from Mac OS X

In some rare instances, it may be required to remove all traces of iTunes from your computer. Use the following steps to remove iTunes from Mac OS X. Note: If you are having issues with iTunes or other applications, you should first run Disk Utility. iTunes library content such as music, videos, and iPod games are saved in your Music folder by default and are not deleted by removing iTunes or it's associated files and folders. If you are having issues with content of your iTunes library tryre-creating it.
  1. Quit iTunes.
  2. In the Finder, choose Go > Applications.
  3. Locate iTunes and then drag it to the Trash.
  4. Choose Go > Utilities. If Utilities is not available under Go, then choose Go > Go to Folder, type in/Applications/Utilities/, and then click Go.
  5. Open Activity Monitor.
  6. In the process list locate and select iTunes Helper. Click Quit Process. When asked if you really want to quit the process, click Quit.
  7. Quit Activity Monitor.
  8. Open System Preferences (choose Apple > System Preferences).
  9. Choose View > Accounts and then click Login Items.
  10. Look for the iTunesHelper entry and select it, then click the "-" button to remove it from the list.
  11. Quit System Preferences.
  12. From the Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder
  13. Enter (without quotes) "/System/Library/Extensions" and then click Go.
  14. Locate the file "AppleMobileDevice.kext" and drag it to the Trash.
  15. Choose Go > Go to Folder.
  16. Enter (without quotes) "/Library/Receipts/" and then click Go.
  17. Locate the file "AppleMobileDeviceSupport.pkg" and drag it to the trash. Note: This file may not be present in Mac OS X v10.6 or later; skip to the next step if this is the case.
  18. Remove any other file ending with ".pkg" that has iTunes in the title (such as "iTunesX.pkg").
  19. Restart your Mac.
  20. Empty the Trash. This should fully remove iTunes.
Additionally, you may need to remove files and folders associated with iTunes. Use the following steps to remove these files and folders.
  1. In the Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder and type in ~/Library/ and click Go.
  2. Locate the iTunes folder and then drag it to the Trash.
  3. Choose Go > Go to Folder and type in ~/Library/Preferences/ and click Go.
  4. Locate the preference files that have names beginning with com.apple.iTunes and move them to the Trash.
    File Names should be:
    • com.apple.iTunes.eq.plist
    • com.apple.iTunes.plist
    • com.apple.iTunesHelper.plist
  5. Choose Go > Go to Folder and type in /Library and click Go.
  6. Locate the iTunes folder, and then move it to the Trash.
  7. Choose Go > Go to Folder and type in ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/ and click Go.
  8. Locate the preference files that have names beginning with com.apple.iTunes and move them to the Trash.
  9. Empty the Trash. This should fully remove the files and folders associated with iTunes.

To reinstall iTunes please download and install the latest version.

STEP 2: Remove the SC Info Folder following the steps detailed in Apple KB Article TS1389 available from http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1389

Apple Computer wrote (in KB Article TS1389):

Remove the SC Info Folder

If you are still unable to authorize your computer to play your purchases, you may be able to resolve your issue by removing the "SC Info" folder. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Quit iTunes and any other open applications until only Finder is open.
  2. Choose Go > Go to Folder.
  3. Type /Users/Shared/SC Info and click Go.
  4. If Finder is not already set to column view, set it by choosing View > as Columns.
  5. Select the SC Info folder and move it to the Trash by choosing File > Move to Trash.
  6. Restart the computer and open iTunes.
  7. Authorize your computer to play your purchases. Note: If you have multiple accounts you will need to authorize your computer for each account. For more information on how to authorize your computer, see this article.

STEP 3: Download iTunes 10.7 from < http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1576 >

STEP 4: Use the shareware utility Pacifist (available from < http://www.charlessoft.com/ >) to install the entire contents of "Install iTunes" (from the mounted "iTunes10.7.dmg" image) onto your computer.

[NOTE: Please BE SURE to click "Replace" in EACH dialog box that will pop-up during the installation process as this is a necessary step to overwrite some system files installed by iTunes 11 that will otherwise result in "An unknown error occurred (–42408)" error code on launch.]


Message was edited on 12.20.2012 by: aadams77 (REMOVED quoted KB images as they did not display properly in my browser after posting. If you wish to see the original graphics, simply visit the provided links.)


Apr 2, 2014 11:37 AM in response to aadams77

Hi everybody,

Has anyone tried this solution provided by aadams77?

I'm worried trying this, as the original solution described was valid on September, 2010 and itself says that its about older iTunes versions. So,with very good chances, it could not be applicable for uninstalling itunes 11.


May 30, 2014 7:10 PM in response to Yerege

So I did everything listed above. I ended up installing 10.7 on my macintosh HD. But when I try and open Itunes it says, "The file "Itunes Library.itl" cannot be read becuase it was created by a newer version of iTunes. Would you like to download Itunes now?" Which is exactly what I dont want to do. It took me 45 minutes just to figure out how to delete the 11.2 version. Help please. I am getting so frustrated.


uninstall itunes 11? from my mac book pro.

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