Damaged audio is really difficult to "repair..."
That said, try Specialized > Exciter
dial the Frequency down (200-1000Hz)
adjust the harmonics (probably upwards -- be careful about introducing noise)
and probably Color 2
If that's not satisfactory, try Levels > Multipressor
Open up the dialog window
On the right side of the top section, drag the midline upwards.
Drag the left side divider to a lower frequency ( you may have to do the same with "stage 3" as well to make room)
For the stage that seems to match the "muddy" region (usually stage 1), drag the mid line downwards slightly.
You can generally reshape sound with Multipressor (I use it to change the timbre of instruments slightly -- e.g., violins with soft attacks can be given much harder attacks with this effect while bringing out other frequencies in the timbre as well, making them sound more "rosiny" if you know what I mean.)