stop spam on iCloud
Hi, I never ever use my iCloud email for anything, but I keep getting spams on my iCloud email, did Apple sell my iCloud email to spammers? How do I stop it?
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), Macbook Air iPhone 5
Hi, I never ever use my iCloud email for anything, but I keep getting spams on my iCloud email, did Apple sell my iCloud email to spammers? How do I stop it?
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), Macbook Air iPhone 5
Spam affects everyone, addresses can be discovered in numerous ways including auto generation, it is not an indication that your account has been compromised. You need to be vigilant and use Apple's own spam filtering in conjunction with your own local rules to reduce/eliminate it.
Judging by the number of people (myself included) who have suddenly started getting spam on their iCloud account, even on addresses that they have never used, it seems clear that spammers have somehow gotten hold of a master list of iCloud email addresses.
The chances of so many people, suddenly, all at around the same time, having unused, or obscure email iCloud addresses all "guessed" simultaneously is extremely unlikely. A server hack seems much more likely.
As usual, Apple have said nothing, and the spams keep getting through.
Ugh, me too! I never use my email for anything except personal emails, and I NEVER got spam there until they added my email! I don't WANT an icloud email. Is there any way to delete the icloud one and just keep my good one? Suddenly everyone I know who uses mac is getting spam emails from "Dr.OZ" among others.
This recently started happening to my iCloud email too - I am now fowarding the spam to
This just started happening to me in the past few days, I've suddenly got a lot of spam in my in box where before I got NONE at all. On my Mac, those spam messages are in the spam folder, but when I look on my iPhone, those very same messages are in my in box. The spam fiiltering is working on my iMac using Mail, but not when using iOS on my iPhone. Something in iCloud is the culprit. Nothing else at all changed on my end.
Me too,
I set up 3 aliases on my iCloud account. 3 quite cryptic addresses too, one being a shortened version of my first & last name for example, so not the kind of things that could be easily guessed. They were only active for a couple of months, never used & just set up for use in the future (Perhaps a migration from my existing, I've not decided really).
Anyway, within a couple of months I get my first spam. Then another 4 or so in over the coming 2 weeks. I unsubscribed & though I didn't think it'd work, they actually stopped.
Today, I got an advert from Mac Keeper (Dammit I hate that software!) but the "to" address was a random string of numbers so I don't actually know which e-mail address was used.
I try to be careful with where I enter my e-mail addresses but this is just annoying.
Nightmare Apple.
Agree. iCloud is the culprit. I have NEVER had spam for over 5 years and now I do and TONS of it. All financial crap. Same with yours?
I read on support that spam email is supposed to be forwarded as an attachment, but I am unable to send it that way. I forwarded the first 10 or 12 emails to the same address you mentioned, got one reply. Now there are just too many to send - over 100 in 6 days.
stop spam on iCloud