Can I use excel on my iMac?
Can I use excel on my iMac? How different is "numbers" from excel? Thanks for any input!
Can I use excel on my iMac? How different is "numbers" from excel? Thanks for any input!
If you buy and install Office for Mac 2011 then you can run Excel.
Microsoft makes a version of MS Office for OS X, so yes, Excel runs on an iMac if you have the OS X version of Excel.
If you consider opening original Excel files that require use of macros and custom spreadhseets designed with controls, then go for Excel.
If you are not a heavy spreadsheet user but also want to have a nice design of tables together with your charts where you can freely arrange then Numbers is a good choice.
Excel is capable of handling much more data and a great quantity of formulas predefined.
I am a heavy user of Excel but Numbers seems very nice to design final reports and have some fine charts.
Can I use excel on my iMac?