Thnx to everyone for responding. I never expected any replies.
Apple Care phone service claims that it is possible to test the battery but in-store the ``geniuses`` insist that the nano 7 is too new (pls see my last post). My last attempt was nearly 2 weeks ago when I got my 3rd replacement, now known to be refurbished. Tired of being caught in the middle. Nano 7 # 5 is suppossed to be new. Not updating for every replacement since always contacting Apple in my spare time instead the last 3 months & asking everyone I meet (all women!?) who has an iPod nano about their battery life. When even a nano 3! beats my nano 7's battery life by 2 hrs-ish (guestimate by kind stranger with nano 3) something is up. Nano 3 - nano 6 all had better battery longevity then my nano 7, & the sole other nano 7 that I have seen the woman claimed that 30 hrs sounded about right for hers. That's right, I have only come across 1 other person with a nano 7 in the 3 months that I have had mine/that it has been available? As a regular user of BMW (bike/metro(subway)/walk) I have found that those with the previous generations of iPod nanos have been more or less friendly as I have accosted them. Update to follow.