Recurring Meetings show in Exchange Calendar, but not on iPhone iOS 6.0.1
We have an Exchange 2010 environment, with users on iPhone 4S iOS 6.0.1
A user creates a recurring appointment in Exchange, and some of the attendee's can see the appointment on their Exchange Calendar on their laptops, but not on their iPhones. Other appointments do show on the iPhone. In some cases, the attendee also has an iPad iOS 6.0.1 as well, and they can see the appointment on the PC and iPad, but not their iPhone. I compared all settings between the iPad and iPhone, and they were the same.
I did some research online, and saw this: Which states:
Issue 1.7 - Meetings are missing due on some mobile devices, but are present in OWA and Outlook
When you create a recurring Appointment or Meeting, then change a critical property in an occurrence in the series (for example date, time or location), and then change the whole meeting Series again, the item may not be updated on a device.
The change is reflected correctly in Outlook, but meeting organizers or attendees do not see the change reflected on their devices. The result is an apparent "missing appointment" on the device user's Calendar.
The devices use the Global Object Identifier (GOID) instead of the ServerID to track changes to the Calendar item for synchronization requests.
When the meeting series is changed, the same GOID is retained on the whole series. When the device receives the Delete request, sent when the series is changed, in a separate sync request from the change to the individual occurrence, it considers the series change as a duplicate and does not process the update.
Microsoft believes this issue is resolved in iOS 6. For confirmation or further investigation of this issue, contact the device manufacturer.
This issue is NOT resolved in iOS 6.
I even tried to "Send Update" on the meeting, without any changes, to see if the meeting will show up on the iPhone. In some cases it did, yet other users it did not.
Does anyone have any ideas??
iPhone 4S, iOS 6